Press-releases 12.05.2018 12.05.2018
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NOOR. Go and look
12.05.2018 The international festival of contemporary photography PHOTOBOOKFEST 2018 presents the project “NOORGo and see, ”the first exhibition of the NOOR photo agency in Russia, which has stirred up photojournalism in the last 10 years. Honest and independent statements about the modern world, the pressing problems of the last decade in photographs, multimedia projects and journalistic materials of the world’s leading photojournalists, which make up the unique NOOR cooperative.
"Night at the Museum" -2018 at the Museum of Moscow
12.05.2018 This year, the main city museum of the capital - the Museum of Moscow - will become the launching pad for the all-Russian action “Night at the Museum”.
Concert G.F. Handel
12.05.2018 May 20 but. Russia Sergey Stadler will celebrate his birthday with a festive concert.
12.05.2018 Dates: June 5 - July 15, 2018 Venue: Main Building, White Floor Exhibition curator: Inna Voitova, researcher at the Department of Personal Collections of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin
Exhibition by D. Candell
12.05.2018 Moving pictures and moving mind. Dynamics, liveliness. There is movement in both abstractions and Crimean species - the wind sweeps through flowering rose bushes and the tops of cypress trees.
"From the shores of Lovati"
12.05.2018 May 10, we invite you to the "Attic of Artists" to the exhibition of Oleg Alexandrov "From the shores of Lovat." Between the May holidays and summer holidays, we present an artist whose paintings - touching and clear - will resonate in the soul of every person who has grown up in contact with Russian culture.
Personal exhibition of Vasily Krotkov "Territory of reflections"
12.05.2018 May 19, 2018 at 18 hours we invite you to the opening of Vasily Krotkov’s personal exhibition “Territory of Reflections”The exhibition is organized in the wonderful Space-U loft space, which masterfully combines antiquity (the house of 1915) and a modern, cozy and comfortable space (architect Tatyana Ustinova).
Photo Exhibition "Afghan War"
12.05.2018 Gallery "Corner".
"Night of museums" in the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin
12.05.2018 Venue: Main Building (Volkhonka, 12), Gallery of Art of the Countries of Europe and America of the 19th – 20th Centuries (Volkhonka, 14).
"The invaluable heritage of centuries. Japanese art of the XVII - XXI centuries."
12.05.2018 On May 10, at 15.00, the Palace of Congresses State Complex will host the opening of an exhibition of Japanese arts and crafts and paintings from the collection of the Kasugai Gallery, dedicated to the Year of Japan in Russia and the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration in Japan.
Photographer + agency. NOOR Experience
12.05.2018 Master class of NOOR photo agency director Clement Saccomani May 16 - May 17 The master class by NOOR Managing Director Clément Saccomani, who has more than 15 years of experience working in the largest European organizations in the photo industry (Magnum Photos, NOOR, GAMMA), is designed for specialists from the Russian photography and media industry: photojournalists, editors and publication managers, as well as
What it is? Photo illustration in a children’s book
12.05.2018 May 13 at 14:00.
Scream echo. Malgozhata Stankevich
12.05.2018 “Echo Cry” is a project dedicated to Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the last primeval forest preserved in Europe.
Swiss photobook today: from Amazonia to the Vienna Ball
12.05.2018 A curatorial selection of projects published with the support of the Swiss Cultural Council Pro Helvetia from 2013 to 2017.
Twilight Butterfly Lord
12.05.2018 The performance will take place on May 17, 2018 at 19:00.