Press-releases 17.03.2018 16.03.2018
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Anton and Pavel Yakushevs. WAR UNDER LEAVES
17.03.2018 "War is an event contrary to the human mind and all human nature." Lev Tolstoy
Exhibition "Word about Gorky"
16.03.2018 In the Perm Art Gallery, the exhibition "The Word of Gorky" opens, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the writer. This exhibition is an attempt to tell about the personality of A. M. Gorky, to give the audience the opportunity to touch the art of the twentieth century and the fate of one of its creators.
"Best photos of Russia - 2017" / Best of Russia - 2017
16.03.2018 White Shop / Red Shop The anniversary exhibition of the country’s largest photo research Best of Russia - 2017 completes the ten-year cycle of the project’s history.
Exhibition of Olga Soldatova "Spring Aircraft"
16.03.2018 On March 8, an exhibition of a contemporary artist, designer Olga Soldatova will open in Proviant warehouses. Olga’s works return to the viewer the dream of flying, continuing the tradition of paintings created “with her head thrown back”.
Mikhail Kaban-Petrov. "Time. Canvas. Oil"
16.03.2018 A boat shimmering by a shaky silhouette under the moon resembling a bullet hole. Oily like oil, a loaf of black bread, cut in two - either with a quick chef’s knife, or with a scimitar. The white shirt is almost a baptismal, almost a shroud...
"Virtual realism." Konstantin Vasilyevich Khudyakov
16.03.2018 At the invitation of the Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts, chairman of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts, president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, academician Konstantin Vasilyevich Khudyakov will present the author’s project “Virtual Realism” in the capital of Mordovia Saransk .
Exhibition "80th Anniversary of the Art Faculty of VGIK"
16.03.2018 In the halls of the MVK RAX Gallery of Art of Zurab Tsereteli (Prechistenka, 19), an exhibition opens dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the art faculty of VGIK.
"Time and Place." Exhibition project of Joseph Dashevsky
16.03.2018 Any statement is an attempt to realize oneself in the space of “Time and Place” - who you are, not in the sense of significance as a person, but in relation to the environment (material and spiritual), the processes taking place in all areas of life and an attempt to influence, directly or indirectly, to a potential viewer by the means available to you in one way or another .
Sergey Kalachev. Personal exhibition
16.03.2018 Sergei Valentinovich Kalachev in St. Petersburg is known as a monumental artist, and exhibitions in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic made him a name in Eastern Europe and allowed him to be talked about as a serious artist with a “European” approach to painting.
Exhibition project "To Remember ..."
16.03.2018 March 2 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) a new exhibition opens long-term project of the Irkutsk Art Museum “To Remember...”, dedicated to the memory of the departed artists of the Baikal region.
16.03.2018 Gallery "Big Craft", 4th floor.
Exhibition of paintings "Walks in My City" by artist Anatoly Lobyntsev
16.03.2018 Gallery "Current", 3rd floor.
"The verge of creativity"
16.03.2018 Gallery "Artist’s Studio" and "Malevich St." "Edge of Creativity" is a new bright exhibition in the creative cluster of ARTMUZAThe exposition will be open from March 10 to April 1. The colorful, filled with life and movement of the canvas of Kirill Karnaukhov and his students, will amaze the audience with their realism.
Exhibition of Anastasia Koronskaya "Space in Space"
16.03.2018 Reflecting the multiple nature of the existence of the world, its heterogeneity, Anastasia Koronskaya creates paintings in the genre that is built on the sensations of space.
Exhibition Kilina Tatyana Alexandrovna
16.03.2018 March 1 at 16:00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, second floor) will open the exhibition Kilina Tatyana Alexandrovna.