Press-releases 14.11.2017 14.11.2017
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CYCLE OF CONCERTS "JOURNEY TO THE WORLD OF MUSIC" (4+). Autumn is calling us to visit
14.11.2017 12:00 p.m.
14.11.2017 18:00 Musical Theater "Operetta on Taganka" Vladimir Varfolomeev (tenor) - Laureate of International Competitions (director of the musical theater "Operetta on Taganka") Elena Kuftyreva (soprano) - Laureate of International Competitions Marina Grunina (soprano) - Laureate of International Competitions Yulia Cherpakova (piano) - Winner of international competitions .
OPERA "NERON" A. Rubinstein
14.11.2017 19:00 Emperor Nero - V. Maslakov (tenor). Vindex - Y. Matruchenko (baritone). Epikharisa - E. Maleeva (m-soprano). Kriza - T. Zavalna (soprano). Poppea - M.Rasstegaeva (soprano). Tigellinus - H. Kirill (baritone). Balbil - A. Aksyonov (bass).
PERFORMANCE "MATA HARI" detective tragifars
14.11.2017 18:00 Mata Hari... This name has long been a household name. Femme fatale - a fatal woman who knew how to lure anyone into her nets with a skillful dance, and herself, by the will of evil rock, who ended her way in a web of slander, lies and betrayal.
14.11.2017 3 p.m. We invite you to a concert of the winner of international competitions, Evgenia Maleeva (mezzo-soprano). Piano part - Laureate of the International Competition Elena Kalinina. The concert is dedicated to the outstanding singer Cecilia Bartoli.
14.11.2017 12:00 Tales of L. Petrushevskaya cannot be unambiguously defined. They are both for children and adults - at the same time.
Exhibition "Horizons of Understanding"
14.11.2017 Exhibition “Horizons of Understanding”, art project supported by the EXPO-88 gallery (, will open on November 21, in the halls of the Moscow Union of Artists at 20 Kuznetskiy Most, and will run until December 2, 2017 inclusive.
Concert "Great Romantics". Dmitry Alekseev, piano (United Kingdom)
14.11.2017 On November 16, the concert of the outstanding Soviet and Russian pianist Dmitry Alekseev will be held in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. At the evening, the compositions of F. Chopin, A. Scriabin and R. Schumann will be performed.
Exhibition "The Great Experiment: Soviet Avant-Garde and Socialist Realism"
14.11.2017 On November 16, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., exhibition hall) will host the opening of the exhibition The Great Experiment: Soviet Avant-Garde and Socialist RealismPainting, graphics, sculpture from the funds of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts.
Pavel Popov "BURNED EDEM"
14.11.2017 One must have special courage and faith in art with a capital letter, faith in his mission in this world, in order to work in our time in the traditional painting technique (canvas, oil) and in the classic version of the picture.
14.11.2017 November 16, 2017 at 18.00 The State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan continues the cycle of art and music programs “Musical Thursday in the White-fireplace Hall”.
Anniversary exhibition of ROBERT KHANIFOVICH GAYSIN
14.11.2017 The artist was born on December 4, 1957 in the village of Karkali, Leninogorsk district of Tatarstan. From grade 5, he studied at the secondary special music school at the Kazan State Conservatory in the wind class (clarinet).
Lecture by Marta Kubiak (Wroclaw, Poland) "Modern Polish Graphics"
14.11.2017 National Art Gallery "Hazine" invites Marta Kubiak (Wroclaw, Poland) to the lecture "Modern Polish Graphics"
Igor Kachanov "Lost souls"
14.11.2017 Igor Kachanov has been actively exhibiting since 2011. The theme of his work does not fundamentally change, however, like the author’s style of writing. The human soul is the main character in the works of Igor Kachanov.
Exhibition of ascetic artist Irina Ternovskaya "The Signs"
14.11.2017 November 18 at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art Art Deco will open the exhibition of the ascetic artist Irina Ternovskaya "The Signs"Unusually creating space, turning it into a real sky, the artist literally makes the guests of the exhibition soar in the clouds.