Press-releases 14.11.2017 10.11.2017
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Results of the Siberian Legal Week
14.11.2017 On November 10, the third Siberian Legal Week - SibLegalWeek-2017 - completed its work. The forum with numerous activities was held in the city of Novosibirsk with the support of the local mayor’s office, the Government of the Novosibirsk region, as well as the Russian Bar Association.
Exhibition of Alexander Inshakov. The expanses of the native land. On the occasion of his 70th birthday
14.11.2017 Alexander Fedorovich Inshakov, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, People’s Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, has been a participant in all republican exhibitions since 1972.
Andrey Noda. Personal exhibition. Painting, Graphics
11.11.2017 This is the second solo exhibition of the famous artist from Almaty in St. Petersburg in our gallery. At the present, about 25 paintings and 15 graphic works will be presented.
The "Northern Ark" is the soul of the peoples of the North
10.11.2017 On November 2, Moscow hosted the grand opening of the personal exhibition of the talented painter, ethnographer and researcher Dmitry Gusev “The Northern Ark”This project, unique in our time, is the result of more than 10 years of individual expeditions to the areas of the Russian North and Siberia that are almost inaccessible to almost untouched modern civilization.
Watercolor workshop
10.11.2017 November 12 at 16.00 - a master class in watercolor. We draw an autumn landscape.
Thematic tour of the exhibition "Master and Workshop"
10.11.2017 November 12 at 15.00 - Thematic tour of Exhibition "Master and Workshop" . Author’s tour of the new large-scale exhibition “Master and Workshop” from the famous Irkutsk art critic Tamara Grigoryevna Dranitsa.
"Museum storytelling"
10.11.2017 November 12 at 15.00 - the project “Museum storytelling” (with the participation of museum volunteers). You have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most original forms of interaction with works of art.
Thematic tour of the exhibition "Revolution and art: on the 100th anniversary of the events of October 1917"
10.11.2017 November 12 at 12.00 - Thematic tour of the exhibition “Revolution and art: on the 100th anniversary of the events of October 1917” .
"Time to collect stones ...". Exhibition of works by Dmitry Belyukin
10.11.2017 The Russian Academy of Arts at 21 Prechistenka presents the anniversary exhibition of the works of the famous Moscow painter, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Dmitry Belyukin - “Time to collect stones...”, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the master.
Exhibition of Vadim Gippenreiter "From silence to explosion"
10.11.2017 Vadim Gippenreiter Photographic Heritage Foundation Present the exhibition of the founder of Russian landscape photography Vadim Gippenreiter “From silence to explosion”
St. Petersburg Festival of Light Breaks Attendance Record
10.11.2017 On November 4 and 5, the regular autumn season of the StPetersburg Festival of Light took place on Palace Square and on Petrogradskaya Embankment near Aurora. A publicly accessible city holiday, organized by the Committee on Tourism Development of St. Petersburg, gathered about a million spectators in two evenings at both venues.
"Waiting for the sun" Dmitry Koval
10.11.2017 Art Gallery "Manufactory" presents the exhibition "Waiting for the Sun" by Kiev artist Dmitry Koval, recognized in creative circles as one of the best modern impressionists.
Hadji Murad Alikhanov. COLOR and LIGHT. Exhibition of Painting and Graphics
10.11.2017 As a ray of white light falls on a glass prism and reveals a rainbow of the spectrum, so the paints chosen by the artist’s brush, lying on the canvas, are reborn for a new life, playing in shades and tones.
"The woman in my mind"
10.11.2017 From November 16 to December 24, 2017 at the ARTPLAY EAST MEETS WEST GALLERY Design Center shows the latest exhibition from the series “Nude: Nude, Nude, Nudo, Nu, Desnudo (late XX - early XXI century)”, which received the special name “Woman in my mind. ”
"Youth Festival of Enamel Art" New Names ""
10.11.2017 The project is created as the first open youth enamel festival, providing an opportunity for young and novice artists to try their hand under the guidance of recognized masters in this ancient, constantly developing elite art formA distinctive feature of the project is the participation of famous artists representing their schools and students.