Press-releases 20.10.2017 20.10.2017
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Roll over Beethoven: The rise of youth music scenes in Europe. Lecture by Alexandra Kolesnik
20.10.2017 October 27 at 19:00.
Marina Zvyagintseva. #Unlock
20.10.2017 Gallery 21 presents from October 24 to January 15, 2018 a personal exhibition of the artist Marina Zvyagintseva # Unlock.
"Masters of Soviet Photojournalism. 1920s - 1980s"
Boundary Vekov "Birth of monsters"
20.10.2017 The START project presents the first results of a portfolio-review series in Moscow art universities, opening on October 24 at the START young art platform a personal exhibition of a student of the HSE Design School Rubezhi Vekov “Born of Monsters”Graphics, small plastic objects, videos and short-run zines will tell the story of the birth of monsters - characters of the artist’s inner mythology.
Dedicated to K. Shulzhenko
20.10.2017 October 29, 3 p.m.
Books of Irkutsk artist Vladimir Shcherbinin published in Canada
20.10.2017 The published books are dedicated to people whose acquaintance made the author’s life interesting and eventful.
Exhibition project "Master and Workshop"
20.10.2017 October 20 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art of the Irkutsk Regional Art MuseumV.P. Sukachev (Karl Marx St., 23) opens a large-scale exhibition project "Master and Workshop" dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Irkutsk regional branch of the VTOO "Union of Russian Artists" and the 80th anniversary of the Irkutsk region.
Practical Photography Course for Teens "The Art of Seeing"
20.10.2017 Like any other fine art, photography requires attention and immersion, effort and patience, keenness of feelings, vigilance of the eye and openness of the heartAs Henri Cartier-Bresson wrote, in order to “attach importance” to the world, you need to feel involved in what you see in the viewfinder.
Photographic landscape and the problem of the ideal
20.10.2017 October 21 at 16:00
Yalta photo club will present a reporting exhibition in Yevpatoriya
20.10.2017 On Saturday, October 14th, theHARASHO Gallery of Contemporary Art (ICTI Golden Key) opens the traditional reporting exhibition of the Yalta photo club. Yalta photographers in Yevpatoria will present landscapes and reports, portraits and still lifes.
Masha Maykova DO NOT FORGET TO TURN OFF THE IRON ... Exhibition of paintings and graphics
20.10.2017 The artist always lives in two worlds - as if in different rooms at the same time. In one - TV, vanity, telephone, iron and chores. In the other - canvases, a million tubes, brushes and a cat Matisse - witness and co-author.
The debut of young artists on the stage of the "Golden Key"
20.10.2017 Last weekend, the Golden Key Theater repertoire returned a play about good, friendship and justice based on the tale of the Italian writer Gianni Rodari - “The Adventures of Cipollino.” This production is the theatrical debut of the acting studio named after the cat Basilio and the fox Alice directed by director Sergei Novikov .
"Girls prefer oilmen." Exhibition project of Irina Eldarova
20.10.2017 Opening of the exhibition project of Irina Eldarova “Girls prefer oil industry workers” will take place in the MVK RAX Art Gallery. The exposition will comprise about 70 works of painting and graphics.
VIII International Cultural Festival "FLOWERS OF RUSSIA". Ljubljana, Maribor 2017 Republic of Slovenia
20.10.2017 From October 23 to November 15, 2017, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation holds the VIII International Cultural Festival "Flowers of Russia" in the main cities of the Republic of Slovenia - Ljubljana and Maribor.
Exhibition "Happy and Free"
20.10.2017 An exhibition dedicated to women survivors of violence will open at the Gallery of Classic Photography