Press-releases 17.08.2017 17.08.2017
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Gull Exhibition
17.08.2017 The Stella Art Foundation presents a new, fourth exhibition, which the Cupid creative association displays in the Foundation.
"Two captains". George Nyssa and Ilya Katz. Painting and Graphics 1920s - 1960s
17.08.2017 The Russian Academy of Arts and the Vellum Gallery present the exhibition “Two Captains”, the grand opening of which will take place on September 26, 2017 at 19:00 in the halls of the MVK PAX Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery (19 Prechistenka).
Russian stars on the stage of the Golden Key
17.08.2017 From September 2 to September 7 in Yevpatoria will be held the I Open festival of children’s and family cinema "Sunny Island". These days, seven creative meetings with Russian celebrities will be held at the Golden Key International Theater Theater Center.
17.08.2017 CTI "Factory" and E.K. Art Bureau present the first solo exhibition of photographer Vladimir Markovich.
The 20th century exhibition begins ...
17.08.2017 From August 18 to September 15, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art will host an interactive mobile exhibition "XX Century Begins..."Over 60 exhibits from the late XIX - early XX centuries will be presented in the exhibition, which reproduces the cabinet of the movie tycoon, where time seemed to stop, and the owner himself went home after a few minutes ago after a service, having a cup of coffee.
Exhibition of Yegor Fedorichev "Curtain"
17.08.2017 The third project of the new season under the supervision of Vera Trachtenberg. The exhibition will feature a light installation with paintings in the author’s technique. On the day of the opening day, guests will find sound art from the artist.
Misha Most, "Evolution 2.1"
17.08.2017 The Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art is launching a project within the framework of the “Farewell to Eternal Youth” jubilee cycle - Misha Most “Evolution 2.1”One of the first street artists in Russia, the Kandinsky Prize nominee, Misha Most will present a large-scale solo exhibition in Moscow.
17.08.2017 On September 14, in the Nagornaya gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association with the participation of ROSIZO, the NCCA, the State Museum of V.VMayakovsky, the Creative Union of Russian Artists and the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, an exhibition and educational project LIGHT FOR ENLIGHTENING is opened.
Petersburg Concert opens a new season!
17.08.2017 Petersburg Concert opens a new theater season, filled with vivid events! On the very first day of September 14, the audience will be presented with the premiere - performance - fantasy “Eliza, you are stupid!” Based on the play of the English playwright Bernard Shaw “Pygmalion”.
II International Music Festival for children with hearing disabilities "Magic Symphony"
17.08.2017 On October 10, the II International Music Festival for Children with Hearing Aid “Magic Symphony”, awarded the prize “Best Social Project 2016”, will be held at the State Academic Chapel (StPetersburg). Children with hearing impairment from Russia and other countries will take part in the festival, performing with musical and recital numbers on the stage together with the stars.
"Anniversary". Exhibition of works by Firinat Halikov
17.08.2017 The Russian Academy of Arts presents a solo exhibition of works by the Kazan artist, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan (named after Gabdulla Tukay) Firinat KhalikovThe exhibition is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the author.
The common theme of the VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be the statement "For Life"
17.08.2017 The exhibition will be held from September 1 to 10, 2017 in Moscow in the territory of Sokolniki Park. She promises to be one of the largest and most diverse events in Europe dedicated to calligraphy.
Exhibition of Igor Petrov SPIRIT OF PLACE
17.08.2017 In the halls of the National Art Gallery "Khazine" will open the exhibition of Igor Vadimovich Petrov - a modern St. Petersburg painter, professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin.
Personal exhibition of Roman Lyapin "QUADRI BRUTTI"
17.08.2017 From the 16th of August to the 7th of September 2017, the personal exhibition of Roman Lyapin “Quadri BRUTTI” opens in the Artefice Gallery - an exhibition of bad paintings].
"22 metro metamorphism"
17.08.2017 On August 12, an exhibition dedicated to the 82nd anniversary of the Moscow Metro “22 metro metamorphism / 22metro metamorphism” opens in the gallery “On Kashirka” of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” - an artistic debut of a graduate of the British School of Design Lidia Pozhidaeva.