Press-releases 17.04.2022 10.04.2022
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Updated exposition of Italian painting of the 17th–18th centuries
17.04.2022 Venue: Main building (Volkhonka, 12), hall 17.
25th FRAME. 0+
16.04.2022 Gallery "C", 1st floor An exhibition of film artists will be held at Artmuse: for the first time, the works of masters and their students presented together will provide an opportunity to see how an art school is born, with its own style and traditions.
Anna Barabanova "Lullaby Faun" 0+
16.04.2022 Gallery "At the Golden Stairs", 4th floor
Tatyana Levchenko. The forces of rock rage inside… 0+
16.04.2022 Gallery "Bolshaya Remeslennaya Street", 4th floor.
Nikita Rodin. Stupid pictures with long titles 0+
16.04.2022 Gallery "Malevich Street", 3rd floor.
Boris Borsch. "Yards and channels" Part 2 0+
16.04.2022 Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor.
Asya Motina. Living spaces 0+
16.04.2022 Gallery "Artist’s Workshop", 3rd floor
View of descendants
16.04.2022 Gallery "Current", 3rd floor. The collective exhibition of graduates of the Academy of Arts interprets the events of the 20th century, the dividing axis of which was the Second World War.
Arkady Morozov’s exhibition "Through the Boundaries of Emptiness" 0+
16.04.2022 Lecture Corner Gallery, 2nd floor
Exhibition of artistic textiles by Polina Kozyreva "Second wind"
16.04.2022 Artmuse will present a large exhibition of artistic textiles by Polina Kozyreva: prints of reality, memories and beauty of the world in silk-screen printing and graphics.
Exhibition by Igor Burmistrov "Shuysky Album"
16.04.2022 Gallery "C", 1st floor, 0+.
Exhibition "Shores. Moscow School of Painting"
13.04.2022 The exhibition is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the country’s oldest creative union - the Moscow Union of ArtistsIn their works, well-known metropolitan painters, including academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts, show a huge range of artistic and stylistic self-expression within the framework of one school.
"Three artists from St. Petersburg". Exhibition of works by Felix Volosenkov, Natalia Tsekhomskaya and Alexei Yarygin
13.04.2022 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the St. Petersburg creative family: Felix Volosenkov, Natalia Tsekhomskaya and Alexei Yarygin. The exposition consists of three parts: "Modern Slavic Art", "Somewhere in Time", "Alchemy in Color", and includes about 150 works of different years.
11.04.2022 My name is Alisa Maslova. I was born in 1991 in the city of Votkinsk, not far from Izhevsk. All my childhood and youth were spent in this quiet and cozy city, which I love very much.
Theatrical graphics by Irina Shtenberg from the collection of Elena Zenina 6+
10.04.2022 On March 30, the Artifact Gallery Center on Prechistenka will open an exhibition of theatrical graphics by Irina Shtenberg (1905–1985), timed to coincide with the 180th anniversary of the classic version of N. V. Gogol’s play The Inspector General.