Press-releases 11.03.2022 09.03.2022
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Romanesque sculpture in Italy
11.03.2022 Lecture 16.04 at 13:00.
Romanesque architecture in Italy and Germany
11.03.2022 Lecture 09.04 at 13:00.
Romanesque sculpture of France
11.03.2022 Lecture 02.04 at 13:00.
Romanesque architecture in France and England
11.03.2022 Lecture 26.03 at 13:00.
The first Romanesque art": architecture of the 10th - early 11th centuries
11.03.2022 Lecture 19.03 at 13:00.
Origin of the term "Romanesque art". Periodization and general principles
11.03.2022 12.03 at 13:00.
Exhibition of artistic felt "New life of traditions"
11.03.2022 On March 19-22, 2022, the XII International Exhibition of Artistic Felt "New Life of Traditions" will be held in the center of the Northern CapitalThe works of masters, artists and designers of various felt trends will be united by the theme “Turning the Pages”.
Exhibition-competition "Young talents in arts and crafts"
11.03.2022 From March 11 to April 10, 2022 at the Information, Educational and Exhibition Center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts at the address: Kaluga, st. Lenina, d.
Exhibition "Space and Time. Various Comparisons"
11.03.2022 Project “Space and time. Different Comparisons” is part of the All-Russian exhibition project “RUSSIA” of the Union of Artists of Russia. The exhibition presents contemporary Russian artists.
Exhibition "Constellation of the Region: Laureates of the Prize of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region"
11.03.2022 On March 10, in the Main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum (Lenin St., 5), the exhibition "Constellation of the Region: Laureates of the Governor’s Prize of the Irkutsk Region", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Irkutsk Region and the 90th anniversary of the Irkutsk branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, opensThe exposition includes more than 150 works of painting, graphics, sculpture and arts and crafts from the funds of the museum and artists’ studios.
Exhibition of one painting "Vereya. Street"
11.03.2022 On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Osmerkin (1892 - 1953), the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 104, main exposition) opened an exhibition of one painting “Vereya. The outside".
Virtual project "Hall of virtual reality. Artist’s workshop" in the Kaluga Museum
11.03.2022 The main goal of the project is to promote digital solutions based on virtual reality technology, which has a high degree of emotional impact and allows you to significantly expand the possibilities of representing the Kaluga cityscape in fine art, and also serves as the basis for educating young people and schoolchildren in the spirit of love for their small homeland, as well as an innovative approach to educational work based on the use of a new format of interactive exposition as part of the digitalization of museum activities.
"Ex-libris. Famous people of the Angara region"
11.03.2022 March 3 at the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) opens the exhibition “Ex-libris. Famous people of the Angara region”, dedicated to the Day of the cultural worker.
"Connection of generations". Exhibition of works by Galina Wiesel and her family
09.03.2022 The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation and Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Galina Mikhailovna Wiesel and members of her family "The Connection of Generations"The exposition of a large-scale retrospective project occupies ten exhibition halls and shows all the diversity of the work of the masters of the artistic dynasty - ceramics, painting and graphics, photography and design.
Exhibition #SamsebeMarten
09.03.2022 Venue: Main building of the Pushkin Museum imA.S. Pushkin, halls 17, 17a Curators: Polina Kalugina, Yulia Korzhevina, Anna Kudrina, Anna Makarova, Anastasia Osipova, Nikita Stimoshenko, Elizaveta Zagainaya, Eva Leonova, Ekaterina Loboda, Tatiana Sychevskaya, Alexandra Volchkova, Uliana Lebedeva, Evgenia Vashkevich, Varvara Dolgikh, Sergey Ponomarev, Pyotr Panov, Artyom Nesteruk, Valeria Ryazanova, Varvara Ulyanycheva .