Press-releases 07.11.2016 02.11.2016
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Exhibition of paintings by St. Petersburg artist Roman Lyapin
07.11.2016 From September 13 to October 16, 2016, the Sochi Art Museum hosted an exhibition of paintings by St. Petersburg artist Roman Lyapin.
The festival of light in St. Petersburg attracted 400 thousand spectators
07.11.2016 The culmination of the festivities on the Day of National Unity was the Festival of Light, which was held in St. Petersburg on November 4 and 5 at the initiative of the Committee for Tourism Development of St. Petersburg and with the support of the Government of St. Petersburg.
History of Russia in photographs. 1941-1945
07.11.2016 MAMM / MDF continues the program “History of Russia in Photography. Photo Chronicle of Russia ”, started by the museum in 1997 and presents the exhibition“ History of Russia in Photographs. 1941-1945
Lilya Brik. Failed trip
07.11.2016 The Moscow House of Photography Museum presents the exhibition Lily Brik. A failed trip ”, in which a series of photographs of the great photographer of the twentieth century, Alexander Rodchenko, will be presented.
Exhibition of contemporary art "Actual Russia: habitat"
07.11.2016 Organizers: Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, State Museum and Exhibition Center ROSIZO / State Center for Contemporary Art, Foundation for the Development of Contemporary Art.
Exhibition "War through the Eyes of Eyewitnesses. Front-line Drawing and Poster"
07.11.2016 Organizers: Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Department of Culture of the Government of Moscow State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO" Museum and Exhibition Association Manege
Stas Namin. "Frankly / Insite Out"
07.11.2016 November 10, 2016 at 19.00 in the MVK RAS Art Gallery at 19 Prechistenka, a personal exhibition of the honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Stas Namin’s “Openly” (Insite Out), dedicated to his 65th birthday, opens.
Exhibition "Paper Only". Igor Makarevich, Elena Elagina
03.11.2016 An exhibition of artists, classics of Moscow conceptualism Igor Makarevich and Elena Elagina opens in the Peresvetov Pereulok gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association. The graphic works of the authors will be presented.
Exhibition "Red Gate / Against the Current"
03.11.2016 On November 29, 2016, the Fourth Interregional Academic Exhibition “Red Gate / Against the Current” will open in Moscow.
"The best performance of Siberia-2016" - "Frontovichka"
03.11.2016 November 15, 2016 at 19.00 on the stage of the theater-festival "Baltic House" will be the only screening of "The Best Performance of Siberia-2016" - "Frontovichka".
Anniversary performance based on the play "Leaning Tower of Pisa"
03.11.2016 On November 12, 2016, the Moscow Drama Theater will host an anniversary performance based on the play “The Leaning Tower of Pisa” by the famous playwright Nadezhda Ptushkina.
"Inking". Exhibition of works by Alexander Tikhomirov
03.11.2016 In the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21), the opening of the exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexander Tikhomirov, “Okonopis”, will take place.
Tours of St. Petersburg Youth Theater. Bryantseva. November 10, 19.00, A.N. Ostrovsky "INCOME". NOVEMBER 11, 19.00, A.S. Pushkin "LITTLE TRAGEDIES"
03.11.2016 November 10 and 11 Youth Theater named after A.ABryantseva will present to the Moscow public some of the most resonant performances in St. Petersburg - “Profitable Place” and “Little Tragedies”. The star cast, talented directing and exquisite scenography of these productions have already brought success to performances both on the native stage, and in various parts of our country and beyond, where the theater has been on tour.
Exhibition "Masterpieces: Russian art, old masters, modernists and African sculpture"
03.11.2016 Within the walls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Art Gallery (Prechistenka, 19), the exhibition "Masterpieces: Russian Art, Old Masters, Modernists and African Sculpture", organized by Sotheby’s auction house, will be heldThe pre-auction exhibition of lots will combine the display of top lots of several auctions collected around the world.
Exhibition "Border Spaces"
02.11.2016 Exhibition "Border Spaces" Gallery WORDSHOP (WORDSHOP) Moscow, Center for Contemporary Art Winery, 4th Syromyatnichesky per., 1/8, p. 6, floor 1