Press-releases 09.10.2016 06.10.2016
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Photo exhibition by Igor Zhgilev "Nonrandom images of the Land of the Rising Sun"
09.10.2016 February 16 at 16:00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) opens the author’s photo exhibition by Igor Zhgilev "Nonrandom images of the Land of the Rising Sun."
Exhibition HISTORY OF RUSSIA IN PHOTOS 1918 - 1940
08.10.2016 Photo album “History of Russia in photographs1918 - 1940 ”- the second part of the unique multimedia project of the museum“ Moscow House of Photography ”-“ Photo Archiving of Russian History ”, designed to recreate a reliable image of events and characters of the real historical process.
08.10.2016 On October 16, at 15:00, a concert of vocal and piano music “BACH BAROQUE INFINITY” will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the CTC TRINITY.
Harpsichord Music Evening
08.10.2016 October 23 at 17:00.
"My way". Exhibition of works by Nikolai Borovsky Painting
08.10.2016 In his work, Nikolai Borovskoy consistently adheres to the traditions of the Russian art school. He loves full-scale work, difficultly conceived compositions, appreciates the psychological basis of the works.
XV International Festival of Contemporary Music MOSCOW FORUM On the 150th anniversary of the Moscow Conservatory
07.10.2016 October 13-16, 2016 The XV International Festival of Contemporary Music “Moscow Forum” is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of its alma mater, the Moscow Conservatory, whose graduates are the overwhelming majority of leading Russian composers and which have hosted more than a hundred concerts and about five hundred premieres in the previous fourteen “Forums” .
Exhibition of works by Latvian artist Elina Dzelme "EGOMORPHOSIS" (Portrait)
07.10.2016 October 6, 2016 at 18.00 in the halls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery (19 Prechistenka) will open the exhibition of the works of the Latvian artist Elina Dzelme “EGOMORPHOSIS” (Portrait).
Gala concert of opera stars of St. Petersburg in Kosice
06.10.2016 The tradition of Russian-Slovak opera seasons continues The gala concert of opera stars of St. Petersburg in Kosice (Slovak Republic) will be held on October 12 with the support of the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg.
A new project with the participation of volunteers, "Talk about the picture" presents the Irkutsk Art Museum
06.10.2016 Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P.
Anniversary exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the founding of SDM Bank and the Banking Collection of Contemporary Art
06.10.2016 All materials are focused on category 6+.
Stars of the world "classical" stage will perform at the II International Violin Festival
06.10.2016 The II International Violin Festival will be held at the best academic venues during the season, starting in October, in StPetersburg and for the first time in Moscow. The stars of violin music - Maxim Vengerov, Shlomo Mints, Marianna Vasilyeva and Antal Zalai, as well as famous actors and musicians, including Ksenia Rappoport, Chulpan Khamatova, Polina Osetinskaya and Petr Laul will perform during the festival.
Creative meeting with photographer Mikhail Dashevsky
06.10.2016 The Gallery of Classical Photography continues a series of meetings with masters of domestic photography.
"The root cause." Anastasia Langurova
06.10.2016 From October 21 to November 30 in Artmuz, on the experimental site “Ul. The Big Crafts ”exhibition of the young and talented artist from Kislovodsk Anastasia Langurova -“ The First Cause ”.
Photo exhibition "Winter stories"
06.10.2016 In the age of digital technology, when everyone has a lot of pictures, the value of real, sincere shots is blurred. Photos of childhood help to return to the past, and every year this visual history of the family becomes more and more important.
Exhibition Konstantin Sukhoplyuev "Flew"
06.10.2016 In November, a tremendous exhibition of the St. Petersburg young artist Konstantin Sukhoplyuyev “Flew” will open at the “Current” gallery in the ARTMUSE.