Press-releases 01.09.2016 30.08.2016
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"A dreamer. Or why me?" 12+
01.09.2016 September 22 (Thu) and September 23 (Fri) at 19:00. The performance of the Theater of Taste Director and performer Yuri Makeev. Live music performed Mikhail Ibragimov.
01.09.2016 September 15 (Th.) At 19:00 Director: Vitaly Tanygin Artists: Dmitry Gorbas, Arthur Kalashnikov Cast: Elvir Sirachev, Peter Vyatkin, Evgenia Isupova
01.09.2016 September 14 (Wed) at 19:00 The play "The Theater, Which Is Not There" Director and artist: Konstantin Demidov The play of Alla Sokolova Cast: Alexander Bobrov, Tatyana Timakova, Anna Pukhova, Ksenia Ivanova, Julia Shimolina
The play "At the bottom". 16+
01.09.2016 Dates of the premiere of the performance: September 7 and 8 at 19:00. Director: Denis Azarov Cast: Ilya Zamchalov, Alexander Kudin, Maria Matveeva
Russian revolutions in music 1917-1991
01.09.2016 September 10, Saturday, 19.00 Rachmaninov Hall of the Conservatory Ticket admission
The Many Faces of Stravinsky
01.09.2016 September 9, Friday, 19.00. Rachmaninov Hall of the Conservatory. Admission by ticket.
30.08.2016 How much does one photograph of a beautiful sunny day weigh? The correct answer is 35 kilograms or more...
Exhibition of works by Vrezh Kirakosyan "My soul is in the style of nude"
30.08.2016 That is how Vrezh Kirakosyan called his autobiographical novel, published and included in the long list of the Russian Prize in 2014. NUDE means revelation. Vrezh Kirakosyan is frank in everything.
Exhibition of Alexander Nikolenko "STATES OF BEING"
30.08.2016 The Center for Contemporary Art at the Palace of Congresses will host an exhibition of paintings by St. Petersburg artist Alexander Nikolenko.
"Together". Exhibition of works by Oleg Osin and Lyudmila Volova
30.08.2016 September 6, 2016 at 13.00 in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21) will open the exhibition of honored artists of the Russian Federation, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts Oleg Ivanovich Osin and Lyudmila Semenovna Volova.
Exhibition of plein air painting "Crimea-Montenegro" V. Polishchuk, V. Korkishko, O. Lishaeva
30.08.2016 An exhibition of plein air painting following the results of several plein airs of three artists, members of the VTOO “Union of Artists of Russia”: Olesya Lishaeva, Vladislav Polishchuk (Turskaya) and Victoria KorkishkoThis is the second joint project of young masters.
Exhibition "Butterfly"
30.08.2016 Personal exhibition of artist & art curator Alik Vetrof. / Alik Vetrof / member of the ASA ART randevu creative association
Alik Vetrof "City communications - tunnels"
30.08.2016 Project Concept: Conceptual art should reflect the social processes and human environment, make the viewer think, feel and grab him from everyday everyday life, make him join in co-creation with the artist.
"Emanuel Vitorgan, Mikhail Efremov, Gluk’oza and Alexander Oleshko will read the tales of the Grimm brothers in favor of orphans"
30.08.2016 The Bureau of Good Deeds Foundation, with the support of friends of the foundation: actors Alexander Oleshko, Mikhail Efremov, Elena Podkaminskaya, Emanuel Vitorgan, Kristina Babushkina, singer Gluk’oza and TV presenter Andrei Ponkratov, announces a new campaign on the site - “Tales of Good and Evil Brothers Grimm ”, charity readings in favor of the project“ Social Hotels for Orphans ” .
Exhibition "Moments of Our Life"
30.08.2016 The Lipetsk Regional Art Museum in conjunction with the Charity Fund for the Preservation of the Memory of the Artist Vasily Ivanovich Shevchenko “Magic of Creativity” presents the exhibition “Moments of Our Life”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the artist.