Exhibition "Makovsky Family" 0+
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с 1 Ноября
по 1 МартаКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103

The exhibition will introduce the general public of the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga Territory to the artistic heritage of the representatives of the famous dynasty of Russian artists Makovsky - Konstantin, Vladimir, Nikolai, Alexandra and their descendants. These are bright and original masters who left a significant mark in the art of the second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.
K. Makovsky, a talented representative of his family, who gained worldwide fame, one of the most famous and sought-after portrait painters of the second half of the XIX century. In his work, the artist sang the feminine beauty, left spectacular and significant historical compositions dedicated to the rites and holidays of Ancient Russia.
V. Makovsky - an active activist of the movement, professor, rector of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. As a master, he became famous for genre scenes on social subjects. The works of V. Makovsky are distinguished by a subtle sense of form, virtuosity of performance and amazing emotional coloring. The best of the paintings became truly popular, thereby proving the timeless nature of his work.
The exhibition exposition includes forty-four works, of which thirty-three works are presented by the State Russian Museum, and eleven paintings will be exhibited by the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts. Such a volume of artifacts on display will allow creating a large-scale and informative exhibition space, reflecting the various stages of the creative path of the masters and the variety of searches that went on in the art of this period.
During the exhibition, an extensive educational program will be organized: conducting thematic tours for various groups of the population, conducting interactive classes for a children’s audience.
The exposition will be complemented by interactive electronic content and video films on the creative path and the fate of artists, as well as adult and children’s booklets for the exhibition.
The Makovsky Family exhibition is designed to acquaint viewers with a galaxy of talented artists, to reveal the features of their artistic style and reflect the contribution to the treasury of Russian culture.
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