Press-releases 24.01.2020 30.12.2019
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"Family as a constructor" Lecture Hall of the Museum of Moscow
24.01.2020 December 26, 2019 - March 15, 2020 the Museum of Moscow hosts the exhibition “Family Values”, which shows the 150-year history of the development of the urban family and explores modern forms of family unions.
"Inspiration". Tatyana Shulyak
24.01.2020 The Art Gallery Manufactory invites you to plunge into the world of abstract painting by Tetiana Shuliak at the opening of the Inspiration exhibition on January 18 at 17:00.
"Winter Garden"
24.01.2020 In the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Zurab Tsereteli Gallery of Art, the Krokin art project of the Winter Garden gallery opensThe exhibition presents more than 70 works - this is painting, graphics, art objects, photography, video.
Exhibition "Yuri Annenkov. Revolution Behind the Door"
24.01.2020 The Museum of Russian Impressionism continues its research in the field of Russian avant-garde and opens the exhibition “Yuri AnnenkovThe revolution behind the door. " The work of the famous artist, illustrator of the poem “The Twelve” Alexander Blok, a brilliant portrait painter, in whose works the images of the Silver Age of Russian culture are captured, will be presented for the first time in such a volume: more than 100 paintings, graphic portraits and sketches for productions from leading museums and private collections in Russia and France.
The exhibition of one painting "A. Rylov" Landscape. River. "
24.01.2020 On January 15, an exhibition of one painting, “A., will begin work at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenin St.) Rylov “LandscapeThe river. ”The exhibition is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Arkady Rylov, the famous Russian and Soviet painter who glorified the expanses of his homeland in his landscapes.
Festival "Fridays in Pushkinsky"
24.01.2020 Time: 17:45 - 20:45 Festival Curator: Anna Genina The Pushkin Museum to themA.S. Pushkin presents the new season of the festival "Fridays in Pushkinsky." The winter - spring 2020 program includes evening excursions, talks and concerts that will be held every Friday in the Main Museum building in the permanent exhibition space and at the Thomas Gainsborough and From Durer to Matisse exhibitions.
Portal to the Plastartum Exhibition Dimension
20.01.2020 " From January 17 to January 31, the first multimedia exhibition of 2020, the Plastartum Exhibition, will be held in Space, the new multi-format site of the Flacon design quarter.
Pokrovka and surroundings
20.01.2020 In the vicinity of Pokrovka there is a special geography: the White City, the “inner country” - boulevards, crooked streets, steep alleys, small churches, magnificent monasteries, surviving old Moscow courtyards and art squatsWhatever the house, then an architectural monument, no matter the address - a memorial sign.
Art project of the traveling exhibition "Visiting a fairy tale"
19.01.2020 From December 26, 2019 to January 10, 2020 in the MDST The exhibition will work daily from 11.00 to 19.00. Free admission. Address MDST: Moscow, B. Ovchinnikovsky Lane, d. 24, p. 4 From January 13 to January 26, 2020, the Moscow recreation center Gaydarovets.
Art and music exhibition of Polina Ilyushkina "WITH EASTER ON THE EARTH’S BALL"
17.01.2020 Kazan artist Ilyushkina Polina Valerievna, jointly with the branch of the Russian Academy of Arts in Kazan and the Renaissance Orchestra, prepared an art and music exhibition “With an EASTER ON THE EARTH BALL”, which consists of a series of paintings and graphic works accompanied by the RENAISSANCE chamber orchestra.
"The art of relaxation"
30.12.2019 December 26 at 16.00 in the Information, educational and exhibition center of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, 2nd floor) will open the exhibition "The Art of Rest".
"Green tales about the blue planet"
30.12.2019 Children’s play-game based on the rare tales of Umberto Eco, which in a simple and concise language touches upon the problems of the modern world: ecology, tolerance and the threat of nuclear warWhile the actors will play fairy tales, the children will create illustrations using disposable items that they will receive in the kit at the very beginning of the play.
Photo exhibition "Pandas from Jaani around the world"
30.12.2019 This winter, one of the main holiday locations in Moscow was the festival of Magic Chinese lanterns in Sokolniki Park.
The exhibition of one painting "Mihai Munkachi (1844-1900)" Christ before Pilate "II p. XIX century."
30.12.2019 On December 19, an exhibition of one painting, “Mihai Munkachi (1844-1900)“ Christ Before Pilate, ”II p. XIX century, will begin to work in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts. "
New Year weeks started in the Irkutsk Art Museum
30.12.2019 In the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P.