Press-releases 27.04.2019 27.04.2019
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"Country of blue sky"
27.04.2019 April 18 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23) will open the exhibition "Land of the Blue Sky" by the modern Mongolian artist Oylan Zhanathan.
"2000 years of war. Episode I." Alexander Rukavishnikov
27.04.2019 April 19 to May 12 in the same space with the exhibition "Neon" will open the exhibition "2000 years of war. Episode I "by artist Alexander Rukavishnikov. Curator - Alexander Yakut. The exhibition has 30 bronze sculptures: heads of warriors of different eras and countries.
Exhibition of wood-paintings "Faces of the Angels of the World"
27.04.2019 April 18 at 16.00 in the Estate V.PSukachev (112 December Events St.) opens a new exhibition of the international art project "Angels of the World". Viewers will see paintings by artists from Russia, the USA, Belarus, England, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria and the Republika Srpska, printed in a special way on a tree.
Exhibition A.A. Lyubavina "The Artist and the Model"
27.04.2019 The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) will host an exhibition of A.A. Lyubavina "The Artist and the Model."
Exhibition of works by Honored Artist of Russia A.Z. Davydova (1923 - 2009)
27.04.2019 An exhibition of works by the Honored Artist of Russia, painter, draftsman, graphic artist, master of portrait, still life and landscape - A. Davydov will take place at the Congress Palace (1923-2009).
27.04.2019 April 28, 18:00.
Exhibition of Mikhail Latyshev
27.04.2019 The works presented at the exhibition cover more than 50 years of the artist’s creative activity.
Rinat Minnebaev "Geoglyphs"
27.04.2019 “Geoglyph - geometric or figured pattern applied to the ground; many geoglyphs are so large that they can only be viewed from the air ”(Wikipedia)
"The Arctic - to the Siege of Leningrad. It owes memory."
27.04.2019 Gallery "Artist’s Studio" 3rd floor.
The Pushkin Museum will show in Venice previously lost work Tintoretto
27.04.2019 The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin will present Tintoretto’s picture “The Origin of Love” from the collection of the famous Venetian antiquarian Pietro Scarpa at the exhibition in Venice “At the end, there is a beginning. The Secret Brotherhood of Tintoretto. "
Exhibition "Earth Flowers. Beauty and Awareness"
27.04.2019 The theme of the exhibition, on the one hand, is natural, simple and understandable, on the other hand, it is deep and requires understanding.
"Crystal Chapel" as part of the "Night of Museums" campaign at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts
27.04.2019 May 17-19, 2019 in Moscow for the 10th time will be held the International Choral Festival of Sacred Music “Crystal Chapel”This year, more than three dozen children and adult groups will compete for the Grand Prix of the festival - an image of the chapel of Alexander Nevsky, recreated in crystal by the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli.
Alexander Kott takes part in the exhibition PEKShot
27.04.2019 Director Alexander Kott, known for the films Trotsky, Yolki, Brest Fortress, presented his work as part of the exhibition of film and advertising masters PEKShot 2019, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of VGIK.
"Gogol on the Russian stage"
27.04.2019 From April 29 to May 30, 2019, the St. Petersburg State Theater Library will host the exhibition “Gogol on the Russian Stage”, dedicated to the 210th birthday of N.V. Gogol.
The exhibition "Who saved one, saves the whole world. The righteous of the peoples of the world and their history"
27.04.2019 On May 31, the exhibition “Whoever saves one, saves the whole world, will open in the Jewish Museum and the Center for Tolerance”. The righteous of the peoples of the world and their history. " It is dedicated to people who risked their lives to save Jews during the Nazi occupation of Europe.