Press-releases 29.03.2019 28.03.2019
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29.03.2019 Graphic artists Igor Khandozhko, Nina Russkikh and Anna Shaburova present to the viewer their new project - an exhibition of their works, demonstrating the mystery of birth and the creation of etching.
Mahler. Shostakovich. Latest symphonies
29.03.2019 04/09/2019, Tuesday beginning 19:00 Concert of the cycle "Great and terrible music of the twentieth century."
Katya Dudnik. "Extraordinary stories of babies and babies"
29.03.2019 March 30, the art gallery "Manufactory" invites visitors to immerse themselves in the fairy-tale world of adventures, amazing dreams and desires, along with the characters of paintings by the artist and illustrator Katya Dudnik.
Exhibition by Alexander Elmar "Back to the Future" 12+
29.03.2019 In the title itself, the author and curator of the exhibition reveals the theme of the dialogue between past and future - “Back to the Future”. The author shows a different view of the post-war period of the Soviet Union from 1946 to 1991. Revealing the theme of life and death, faith and despair.
"Graphics 2019". Report exhibition of the Graphics Department of the Russian Academy of Arts
29.03.2019 “The most valuable thing we have now is school and tradition” Z.K. Tsereteli President of the Russian Academy of Arts
Exhibition project "Geometry of the soul." 16+
28.03.2019 Gallery "Ts", 1st floor.
Exhibition of National Geographic photographer Enrik Sal and St. Petersburg artist Polina Rybina. 0+
28.03.2019 Gallery "Design club", 2nd floor The exhibition is dedicated to the international forum "The Arctic - the Territory of Dialogue", which will be held on April 8-9, 2019, as well as to the world-wide event - the Hockey Match at the North Pole "The Last Game", designed to draw millions of attention to the environmental problem.
Exhibition of Yura Tumasyan "My Realism" 16+
28.03.2019 Gallery "Current" 3rd floor.
Exhibition of paintings by Anastasia Yablokova "Energy of the Sun" 12+
28.03.2019 Gallery "Artist’s Studio" 3rd floor.
Exhibition of paintings by Dmitry Shurov and Tigran Kostanyan "VALES OF LA" 18+
28.03.2019 Gallery “Ul. Bolshaya Handicraft ”, 4th floor.
Exhibition of paintings by Tatyana Evsigneeva-Mylnikova "In a dream and in reality" 12+
28.03.2019 Gallery “Ul. Malevich ", 3rd floor.
Photo exhibition of Elena Bogdanova "Iceland" 12+
28.03.2019 Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor.
Photo exhibition by Igor Lebedinsky "GAME 2.0" 12+
28.03.2019 Lecture Corner Gallery, 2nd floor.
Exhibition "Godunov. Behind the scenes"
28.03.2019 The Museum of Moscow Archers “Streletsky Chambers” (Moscow, Lavrushinsky per., D. 17, p. 1) will host the exhibition “Godunov. Behind the scenes". The exhibition is dedicated to the release of the second season of the heroic movie saga "Godunov".
"Masters of enamel at the art and industrial academies of Count Stroganov and Baron Stieglitz"
28.03.2019 ORGANIZER -Creative Union of Russian Artists.