Press-releases 02.03.2019 28.02.2019
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Lecture course by Maria Moroz "History of Russian art of the twentieth century"
02.03.2019 April 4, 11, 18 and 26.
Ksenia Galitskaya’s master class "In the workshop of the impressionist. We write with acrylic!"
02.03.2019 March 3, 10 and 24, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Vladimir Komelfo. The illusion of the place
02.03.2019 The exhibition will feature abstract paintings created by the master in 2011-2018.
Inna Grinchel Void. Part I. Feminine
02.03.2019 The Void project is a series of paintings, almost monochrome, depicting desolate, similar landscapes, with a barely drawn horizon, where there is nothing to stop the eye - whether it is the sea, or a snowy desert, or fog over a swampTo create visual tension, drama, contrast, the author uses an alien element, the product of female home routine practices, conditionally a hundred years ago - napkins.
Exhibition "Brusilovsky"
02.03.2019 A large exhibition “Brusilovsky” will open in the Perm Art Gallery, representing the author’s works of one of the most peculiar and brightest artists of the last third of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, a cult figure in the art of the Urals - Misha Shaevich Brusilovsky.
Exhibition "Trajectories" 0+
02.03.2019 March 7, 2019 in the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens an exhibition of young artists "Trajectories" working on the design of clothing.
Personal exhibition of Alexander Moskvitin "Road beyond the horizon"
01.03.2019 March 1 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art will open the personal exhibition of Alexander Moskvitin "Road beyond the horizon", dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the authorThe large-scale exposition, which occupies two floors of the gallery, presents a series of works on the themes of Siberian nature, life and life of indigenous peoples.
THEATER (12+) comedy in three acts
28.02.2019 March 7, 2019 For the past quarter of a century, Michael Frein’s most famous and popular comedy has not left the stage of theaters on both sides of the Atlantic.
Cherry Orchard (12+)
28.02.2019 March 3 and 17 "The Cherry Orchard". The last play by Anton Chekhov, which became the most famous work of world drama of the twentieth century. Theatrical figures from all over the world have come to her comprehension.
Seagull (16+) comedy in two acts
28.02.2019 2nd of March The “Seagull” gives every reason to thoughtfully, seriously, but sometimes with a sense of humor to look at life in general and that integral part of it, which is called creativity, always obvious and always mysterious. And also “The Seagull” is a fixed look at love, general and concrete.
The Nutcracker (6+)
28.02.2019 Main hall March 27 at 16:00 MUSIC PERFORMANCE FOR FAMILY BROWSING.
"Masterpieces of watercolors and graphics"
28.02.2019 On February 23, the Sergei Andriyaka School of Watercolors will open the cult exhibition “Masterpieces of Watercolors and Graphics by Austrian, English, German, Dutch and other West European artists of the 15th-20th centuries” from the collection of A.G. Egorova.
"Lydia Vertinskaya. Graphics"
28.02.2019 March 1 at 16.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (ulLenin, 104, exhibition hall) will open the exhibition "LIDIA VERTINSKAYA. GRAPHIC ARTS". All works presented at the exhibition belong to the family of Marianne and Anastasia Vertinsky; addition are graphic works from the collection of Irina Stegka (Germany).
Exhibitions by Vladimir Guryanov "Life in Color"
28.02.2019 February 28, 2019 at 18.00 in the National Art Gallery "Khazine" of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Kremlin, Sheinkman passage 12, entrance 3), the opening of Vladimir Guryanov’s exhibition "Life in Color" will be held.
Exhibition of works by Alan Kalmanov, Zaurbek Dzanagov and Madina Kalmanova. Painting and sculpture
28.02.2019 An exhibition of works by Alan Kalmanov, Madina Kalmanova and Zaurbek Dzanagov opens in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Prechistenka 21). The exhibition presents about 40 paintings and sculptures by masters of North Ossetia.