Press-releases 19.09.2017 19.09.2017
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Photo exhibition "Where are your dreams?"
19.09.2017 September 15 at 16.00 in the Estate V.P. Sukachev (st. December Events, 112) opens the photo exhibition "Where are your dreams" Asya Kostyukovskaya. An enthusiastic traveler, the finalist of several major photography contests presents her best shots taken in Siberia and overseas trips.
Exhibition "Ladovsky Experiment"
19.09.2017 In the gallery "On Shabolovka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "Experiment Ladovsky." The exhibition is dedicated to the psychoanalytic laboratory of VKhUTEIN, created by the architect and rationalist leader Nikolai LadovskyEspecially for the exhibition, optical instruments developed by Ladovsky for testing “spatial giftedness” of students were reconstructed for the first time: liglazometer, ploglazometr, oglazometr, uglazometr and prostometr.
Mobile exhibition project of Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko "Preserve the beauty of God’s world"
19.09.2017 On September 17, 2017, in the “Museum of the History of Obninsk”, Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko’s mobile exhibition project “Preserving the Beauty of God’s Peace”, organized by the Government of the Kaluga Region, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Kaluga Region and the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts in conjunction with the Kaluga Metropolitanate of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate, starts .
Cat Leopold’s birthday (3+). Tours of the Kursk State Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin
19.09.2017 October 13, 14, 15 “Performances for children” “BIRTHDAY OF THE CAT OF LEOPOLD” The musical in 2 parts
Number 13 (16+). Tour of the Kursk State Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin
19.09.2017 October 12, 13 Assistant British Prime Minister Richard Willie retires with the secretary in the 13th hotel room. Suddenly, lovers discover in the room... the body of a dead man.
Qtuba! (16+). Tour of the Kursk State Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin
19.09.2017 October 14, 15 The protagonist Elimelech works as a plumber. In his house, everything goes according to a strict schedule: an alarm clock, dissatisfaction with life, obligatory soda water for dinner, stories about heroic workdays (of course, with a slight exaggeration of his merits).
Crazy money (16+). Tour of the Kursk State Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin
19.09.2017 October 10, 11 Comedy of the century. Money, money, money... Is it a goal or a means? Man and money. The master and the servants.
VIOLIN, Tambourine and IRON (16+) comedy about wedding and life
19.09.2017 SMALL SCENE September 28, 29 A big Russian wedding, meaningless and merciless, you can see on the small stage of the Voronezh Drama Theater. Koltsova - Anton Timofeev, director of the Neformat Theater, will stage a play by N. Kolyada “Violin, Tambourine and Iron”.
Tours of the Kursk State Drama Theater named after A. Pushkin on the stage of the A. Koltsov Academic Drama Theater
19.09.2017 October 10 at the Academic Drama Theater. A. Koltsov will begin touring the Kursk State Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin.
Exhibition "Expressive Realism of Ivan Zakharovich Pushkarev (1904-1991). Painting"
19.09.2017 September 15 at 16-00 in the main exposition of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will open the exhibition "Expressive Realism of Ivan Zakharovich Pushkarev (1904-1991) Painting". From the funds of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin St., second floor of the main exhibition)
Opening of the XXXI season at the Golden Key Theater
19.09.2017 Last weekend, with full houses, the XXXI season was opened at the Golden Key International Theater Theater Center. The Evpatoria Theater greeted the audience with their favorite performances: “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “The Flying Ship”, “The Golden Key” were a success these days!
Active citizens chose events for 13 Moscow cinemas
19.09.2017 Muscovites would like to attend free screenings, children’s shows and educational programs at the Moskino movie theater network. These event formats turned out to be the most popular according to the results of voting in the Active Citizen project.
XI International Festival "PETERSBURG THEATER SEASON". Tallinn 2017
19.09.2017 From September 25 to October 3, 2017, the 11th StPetersburg Theater Season festival will be held in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, which will mark a new friendly stage in the history of relations between the two cities. The festival will present to the European public 3 performances of theaters of the Cultural Capital, a ballet evening, an interactive exhibition of puppet dolls and an exhibition of photographs.
"Transparent" paintings presented in Moscow
19.09.2017 The first festival of Chinese painting in the style of Gunby opened at the Central House of Artists
Nikas Safronov. Favorite
19.09.2017 Nikas Safronov is one of the most sought-after contemporary Russian artists. Honored Artist of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenev.