Press-releases 25.03.2022 21.03.2022
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Exhibition of Alexei Ryumin "Permanent Exhibition"
25.03.2022 The Moscow Museum of Modern Art and the School of Contemporary Art "Free Workshops" present the exhibition "Permanent Exhibition" by Alexei Ryumin. The exhibition is part of the MMOMA Young Art Support Program.
Exhibition "Rhythms of Silk"
25.03.2022 March 25 at the Reloft Art Gallery opens an exhibition of artists Niso and Svetlana Atakhanov "Rhythms of Silk".
"The Judgment of Solomon. To the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office"
25.03.2022 Justice, its symbols and attributes, personalities in Justice have inspired artists of all times and peoples over the past two and a half millenniaThe gallery of artistic images that has developed during this time conveys the multifaceted, spiritually rich world of not only the Bible, but also the attitude of people from different eras, different models of human perception, the mysteries of his soul and the world around him.
Exhibition "The Birth of a Poet"
25.03.2022 March 24 at 15.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) starts the exhibition project “Marina TsvetaevaPoetry and Prose of Life” dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of M. I. Tsvetaeva. The project is joint with the Kaluga Regional Scientific Library named after V.
The Pushkin Museum joins the support of the World Day of People with Down Syndrome
25.03.2022 Pushkin Museum imA.S. Pushkin traditionally joins the support of the World Down Syndrome Day. There are no public events in the program this year, but on March 21 a special meeting will take place at the museum: Natalya Kortunova, a researcher at the Pushkin Museum, will lead a tour of the exhibition Mummies of Ancient Egypt.
"I came. I saw. I conquered. The great Roman emperors"
25.03.2022 Incredible ups and downs of one of the most grandiose civilizations, lessons of honor and dignity, cunning and deceit from the most famous dynasties of their time - this is only a small part of what the exhibition “I CameHad seen. Won. Great Roman Emperors”, dedicated to the greatest rulers who stood at the origins of modern civilization.
Exhibition "Shores. Moscow School of Painting"
25.03.2022 The exhibition is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the country’s oldest creative union - the Moscow Union of ArtistsIn their works, well-known metropolitan painters, including academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Arts, show a huge range of artistic and stylistic self-expression within the framework of one school.
Konstantin Bogaevsky. Crimean mystery
21.03.2022 Venue: Dvuhsvetny Hall, Exhibition Complex of the Historical Museum.
Exhibition "The Konik Code"
21.03.2022 The exhibition project "Konik’s Code" will introduce the work of Mark Aleksandrovich Konik (1938–2012), one of the founders of Soviet artistic design in the mid-twentieth century and a subtle, unique painter.
Program for children and teenagers for the exhibition "The Mummies of Ancient Egypt. The Art of Immortality"
21.03.2022 The Pushkin Museum has developed a special program for young visitors to the exhibition Mummies of Ancient Egypt. The Art of Immortality" . These are excursions and educational activities for children and teenagers aged 6-14.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Evgeny Rozanov"
21.03.2022 Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Pyotr Bronnikov"
21.03.2022 Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Dmitry Burdin"
21.03.2022 Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Georgy Wolfenzon"
21.03.2022 Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Inclusive programs at the Museum of Architecture
21.03.2022 The State Museum of Architecture with the support of the Alexander Svetakov Charitable Foundation "Light" is implementing a large inclusive program of events in 2022