Press-releases 10.04.2017 05.04.2017
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Concert dedicated to Glyceria Vasilievna Bogdanova-Chesnokova
10.04.2017 3 p.m. Concert dedicated to the Soviet theater and film actress, operetta star - Glyceria Vasilyevna Bogdanova-Chesnokova. You will see scenes and arias from operettas performed by laureate of international competitions Natalia Bogdanova (soprano).
Music of my soul
10.04.2017 April 15, 12:00 MUSIC SCHOOL "VIRTUOZY" The concert program features bright musical numbers. Pupils of the school will demonstrate their musical successes, which they achieved during the period of study at school. We invite everyone! 200 rub
Exhibition Tatyana Muralova "The Phantom of the Shell"
06.04.2017 Water is the main source of life! A seashell as a small fragile ship drifting along the waves is a whole world of illusions, riddles and dreams...
Debussy Kikta. Musical Murals
06.04.2017 April 16 (Sun) at 16:00 in the Perm Gallery will host a concert "Debussy Kikta. Musical murals. " The program includes works by Claude Debussy and Valery Kikta for harp, viola and flute.
Course "Contemporary Art with Andrei Bartenev"
06.04.2017 Andrey Bartenev, an extraordinary artist with a recognizable, vibrant and ironic style of work, will present his comprehensive vision of contemporary Russian art - a motley one that has long gone beyond the scope of the exhibition space and non-applied visual art.
Exhibition of Boris Dolmatovsky
06.04.2017 In the archive of Boris Georgievich Dolmatovsky - tens of thousands of frames. He began to shoot chess and chess players about 50 years ago.
Exhibition "Artists of the Union" to the 85th anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists
06.04.2017 The imagery of the history of the Moscow organization of the Union of Artists coincides with the history of our country, it all consists of individuals, but today it is not enough to talk about individuals, it is time to discover a new integrity and new organic connectionsThe route through historical reality, laid by this large organism of the Union of Artists, was never linear; carefully thought-out strategies were always present in it, but with an open ending.
Lecture "Features of the organization of a long-term photo expedition"
06.04.2017 On Saturday, April 15, at 15.00, a lecture by the traveler, photographer and journalist Anton Agarkov on the theme “Features of the organization of a long-term photo expedition” will take place in the Gallery of Classical Photography.
Exhibition "Russian Art of the 20th Century: In Search of the New"
06.04.2017 April 7 at 15.00 in the main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev opens the exhibition "Russian art of the XX century: in search of a new one."
Exhibition "The Attraction of Realism. The Art of the Young. Painting, Sculpture, Graphics"
06.04.2017 From April 8 to April 30, 2017, the exhibition “The pull of realism. The art of the young. Painting, sculpture, graphics. "
Cosmonautics Day at a family workshop
06.04.2017 April 9 (Sun) at 12:00 Perm Gallery invites you to plow the expanses of the Universe and discover unexplored galaxies at a children’s master class dedicated to Cosmonautics Day.
Bato Dugarzhapov’s exhibition "Ode to Life"
06.04.2017 The MastArt Gallery presents a personal exhibition of the most famous Russian impressionist of our time - Bato Dugarzhapov. The name of the exhibition “Ode to Life” reflects the main thing in the artist’s work: the ability to see beauty in everything and transfer his impressions to the canvas.
An exhibition of the Academy and the watercolor school of Sergei Andriyaka has opened in Moscow
06.04.2017 In the very center of Moscow, in the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" (Manezhnaya sq., 1), the exhibition "The Academy and the School of Watercolors by Sergey Andriyaka" opened, which will last until May 5, 2017Within the framework of the exhibition dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Academy, for the first time in Russia, the author’s system of continuous art education developed from the national artist Sergei Andriyaka from primary school to the highest level of education will be demonstrated.
Exhibition "Blue Moment". Martti Rikkonen art photo project
06.04.2017 April 7, 2017 at 17-30 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, with the support of the Embassy of Finland in the Russian Federation, the opening of the exhibition of the Finnish photographer Martti Rikkonen will take place.
"Surrealism is Me!"
05.04.2017 On April 27, an exhibition of graphic works by Salvador Dali "Surrealism is Me" will open at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk ArtAs you know, the artist threw this phrase to his former like-minded people at the time of the break with a group of surrealists led by Andre Breton.