Press-releases 17.09.2014 01.09.2014 automatic translate
Exhibition "Art of the Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna" in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts
17.09.2014 September 20 at 12 o’clock in the halls of the Museum of Fine Arts (Kaluga, st. Lenin, 103) opens the exhibition "Art of the Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna."
Exhibition-game library from the series "Board Games" in St. Petersburg
15.09.2014 September 19, 2014 at 18.00 in the Exhibition Hall of the Museum of Toys will open the exhibition "Build, Fold, Assemble!" From the series "Board Games". The exhibition runs from 09/20/2014 to 10/26/2014.
Exhibition of paintings "Portrait of a Contemporary" in the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
15.09.2014 On the 200th anniversary of the birth of M.YuLermontov. opening of an exhibition of works by artists "Portrait of a contemporary." Exhibition of artists TSPH "Portrait of a contemporary - you go, like me..." continues the cycle of numerous exhibitions and competitions dedicated to the anniversary of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.
The inter-museum project "Family Travel. With the whole family to the museum!"
11.09.2014 From September 20 to November 9, 2014, every Saturday and Sunday, Moscow museums cease to be just museums! Only once a year do they come together in new thematic routes full of surprises, unexpected discoveries, ingenious puzzles and puzzlesMuseums become a place for play and fun, observation and research, reflection and debate.
The art of forging in a modern interior
10.09.2014 In our insanely fast XXI century, with its fast pace of construction and the latest technology, came nostalgia for the past.
In Vladivostok, a famous artist collects a fantastic car for the "New Government"
10.09.2014 The famous Russian artist Georgy Ostretsov, together with his team, creates an unusual art object in Vladivostok - a domestic fantastic car.
Combined exhibition of paintings "Autumn Dreams" in Yekaterinburg.
10.09.2014 The exhibition contains paintings on the theme of autumn. The exhibition is not ordinary in that it is not a gallery space, but just the walls of the Tea Room. Not just an exhibition in the usual sense, but rather an invitation to a friendly meeting with home comfort and a conversation over a cup of tea.
I Moscow International Forum "Culture. A look into the future." CEH "Manege".
08.09.2014 Moscow International Forum “Culture. A look into the future ”, organized by the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, will be held from October 15 to 18, 2014 at the Central Exhibition Hall“ Manege ”.
6th All-Russian Festival of Author’s Short Films "ARTKINO" in Kaluga
05.09.2014 From September 10 to 13 in the city of Kaluga on the basis of the Russian Museum: Virtual Branch Information and Education Center, a structural unit of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts, the 6th All-Russian festival of short films “ARTKINO”, which started in autumn 2013, will be held.
Vitaliy Kochetkov will open the festival of Slavic culture in Moscow
05.09.2014 Festival of Slavic folk culture "HERITAGE OF ANCESTORS" is a bright festive event in Moscow and the Moscow region Given the relevance of the cultural unity of the Slavic Peoples, the Slavic World since 2014, the annual festival of Slavic traditional folk culture dedicated to the cultural unity of the Slavic Peoples: "HERITAGE OF ANCESTORS: SLAVIC WORLD", becomes - “B S E S L A V I N S K I M”.
Exhibition "Vladislav Efimov. Translational movement" in the Eletromuseum in Rostokino
05.09.2014 The exhibition of the famous artist, laureate of the All-Russian competition in the field of contemporary visual art "Innovation" Vladislav Efimov "Translational movement" is dedicated to the process of creating a work of art as a way of knowing the world around it.
03.09.2014 The exhibition of the famous British photographer Barry Coston “Worlds and Spaces” in the Exposed art center (Shabolovka St., 31G) was extended until September 20.
"FREEDOM IS FREEDOM ..." on the 40th anniversary of the Bulldozer Exhibition (painting, graphics, art objects, installations, photos, video)
03.09.2014 September 15 at 18:00 in the gallery "Belyaevo" (ulProfsoyuznaya, d.100) the grand opening of the exhibition "Freedom is freedom..." The new project is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the legendary public action of non-conformist artists, which took place on September 15, 1974 on the outskirts of the capital, in Belyaevo (at the intersection of Profsoyuznaya St.
Exhibition "Prosperity". Crimean landscapes of Maria Dreznina
01.09.2014 Vinyl Art Center (Obraztsova St., 14) presents an exhibition of landscapes by Maria Dreznina.