Press-releases 11.04.2021 11.04.2021
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11.04.2021 17.04 at 11:00 and 15:00.
11.04.2021 25.04 at 15:00.
11.04.2021 24.04 at 15:00.
Exhibition "Golden Diplomas of VGIK" 0+
11.04.2021 State Institute of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova presents an exhibition of works by students, graduates and teachers of the Faculty of Arts. The exposition of the exhibition presents about forty works of the methodological fund of the art faculty of VGIK, created in different periods of time.
President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli became the author of the cup for indie game developers
11.04.2021 Despite the many works that have gained worldwide fame, People’s Artist of the USSR and the Russian Federation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli continues to seek new forms of self-expression“A real artist must be a seeker,” he is sure and is not afraid to dive into new spheres for himself.
Exhibition "Small" art "
11.04.2021 The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center presents the exhibition "Small" Art. It will show more than 130 works by Isaac Levitan, Vasily Polenov, Valentin Serov, Ilya Repin, Mikhail Vrubel, Konstantin Somov, Kazimir Malevich, Antonina Sofronova, Lev Bakst and other artists.
Exhibition "Art Hunters"
11.04.2021 The first project of the Museum of Russian Impressionism in the anniversary year will be the Art Hunters exhibition about how enthusiastic collectors collected and preserved museum-level works during the years of the thaw and stagnationFrom April 21 to August 29, 2021, the exhibition will feature more than 70 works of Russian and Soviet modernism by artists of the first third of the 20th century - from Konstantin Korovin and Alexander Benois to Kazimir Malevich and Niko Pirosmani.
"Star Dreams" 0+
11.04.2021 On April 9, 2021, the Belyaevo gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association will open the Star Dreams exhibition, an international art project timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space.
"Punctum". Exhibition of photography by Boris Sysoev
11.04.2021 Very often punctum is a "detail", i.e. partial object. Therefore, to give examples of punctum means to open your soul in some way (c) Roland Barthes "Camera Lucida", 1980
Exhibition "Bright Sunday of Christ"
11.04.2021 On April 8, in the Gallery of Siberian Art (Karl Marx St., 23), an exhibition of works of decorative and applied art "Bright Sunday of Christ" from the private collection of the Irkutsk collector Alexander Speshilov starts workingThe exposition includes a unique collection of Easter eggs made of porcelain, glass, wood, metal, papier-mâché, made by Russian and foreign craftsmen since the 1830s.
Not painting. Decorative and applied art from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts A.S. Pushkin
11.04.2021 Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts AS Pushkin presents the exhibition “Not Painting. Decorative and applied art from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts A. S. Pushkin ".
Exhibition "Fifth Wave"
11.04.2021 Continuing the theme of friendly recommendations - the main plot of the 2nd Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art "Beautiful Night of All People", the exhibition "The Fifth Wave" presents the personal choice of the participant of the 1st Triennial, Ivan Novikov, but in an expanded format.
Vladimir Gorbunov and Ksenia Goncharova. Industrial and human 18+
11.04.2021 Erarta Museum presents an exhibition of Vladimir Gorbunov and Ksenia Goncharova, inspired by the life of the South Urals
11.04.2021 The magazine "MY WAY" presents an exhibition of creative works of combatants. The exhibition includes works of painting, graphics and cartoons - more than a hundred works by three artists working in different genres:
Exhibition "Creative Workshop of Sculpture: Experience and Search"
11.04.2021 The Russian Academy of Arts presents the exhibition "Creative Workshop of Sculpture: Experience and Search". The project is timed to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Creative Sculpture Workshop of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow.