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Igor Dryomin: Artist Denis De Gluard
Presentation of new works by the famous Belgian artist Denis De Gluard - a recognized follower of Jackson Pollock.
Igor Dryomin: The Artist and the World
The exhibition of artists from the Moscow printmaking of the Ministry of Agriculture was held from November 7 to 14, 2019.
Igor Dryomin: Ulyana Sheremeteva "Under the One Sky ..."
In 2019, 25 years of creativity in the emigration of the artist and poet Ulyana Sheremetyeva are celebrated. Creativity in exile is a complex process, combining search and opposition, spiritual connection with the Motherland and rethinking of traditions, and also an attempt to win the hearts of another public.
Igor Dryomin: Elena Osipova and Konstantin Polyakov (Gandhi) ~ Contrary to
Ahead and Catching up Thanks and Contrary Near and Far We are driven by the joy of creativity, filling our life with meaning love and harmony.
Igor Dryomin: Moses Feigin. And laugh and cry
From November 21, 2019 to February 16, 2020, the ARTSTORY Gallery presents the exhibition project “Moses Feigin. And I laugh and cry. "
Igor Dryomin: You will love me forever
One of the most famous galleries of our time, Gallery A3 opened its doors during perestroika, becoming one of the symbols of freedom of creativity, freedom of expression and the victory of creativity over ideological restrictions.
Igor Dryomin: Anastasia Agafonova. The paradigm of creativity
Personal exhibition of the professor of the department Monumental and decorative painting MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganov, Anastasia Agafonova "The paradigm of creativity."
Igor Dryomin: Andrey Grositsky. Order of things
The new exhibition season of the ARTSTORY gallery will open with the exhibition of works by the classic of Russian contemporary art Andrei Grositsky, The Order of Things, which took place from September 19 to November 10, 2019The project is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the artist.
Igor Dryomin: Dmitry Sandzhiev "Bathing in Time"
The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of Russia Dmitry Sandzhiev, “Bathing in Time”.
Igor Dryomin: Vladimir Barkov "Illustrations to Life"
These are works of different directions: surreal themes, good humor and a fairy tale. As the artist himself admits: “I am fond of philosophical, fairy-tale and mythological themes in painting and graphics. I love interior painting. ”