Art news 04.10.2012 26.09.2012
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Honored Artist of Russia V. Snytko opened his exhibition in Vladivostok
04.10.2012 In the gallery located in the Primorsky House of Artists of the city of Vladivostok, a personal exhibition of the honored Russian artist Vladimir Antonovich Snytko has opened.
Moscow artist N. Ovsienko brought her landscapes and dolls to Lipetsk
04.10.2012 The regional exhibition hall of the city of Lipetsk invites you to visit the exhibition "The World through the Eyes of Ovsienko." Moscow artist, member of the Union of Russian Artists Natalia Ovsienko brought her works written in different parts of our planet, where she managed to visit by the will of fate.
The house-museum of Pavel Kuznetsov invites the master of "Gardens" to the exhibition of heritage
03.10.2012 At the end of September, the Radishchevsky Museum of the city of Saratov presented an opportunity for its residents and visitors to get acquainted with the creative heritage of their countryman, painter Pavel Kuznetsov and his wife and colleague Elena Bebutova.
Belgorod exhibition of a talented artist from Serbia, Milan Stashevich
03.10.2012 In Belgorod, a personal exhibition of paintings by the Serbian painting master Milan Stashevich began to receive visitorsThe exhibition was located on the sites of the Rodina exhibition hall, which is not the first time hosting artists from Serbia. The Friendship Society of Russia and Serbia is actively working in Belgorod; therefore, Serbian artists are frequent visitors to the city.
Historical canvases and Russian landscapes at the exhibition of D. Belyukin
02.10.2012 The Russian Academy of Art in its halls located in Moscow, on Prechistenka Street, opened a personal exhibition of the famous master of painting Dmitry Belyukin, dedicated to his anniversary.
The anniversary of the artist Igor Schetinin is celebrated in Kurgan with an exhibition of his paintings
02.10.2012 The Art Museum of the city of Kurgan has provided a hall for the anniversary exhibition of the honored Russian painter Igor Schetinin, who celebrates his sixtieth birthday this year.
Author’s school of painting "Temple Wall" brought an exhibition in Pskov
02.10.2012 Pskov in the hall of the gallery of modern art, known in the city under the name "House on the Embankment" receives artists of St. Petersburg, whose work belongs to the unique school "Temple Wall".
Dnepropetrovsk Museum invites you to an exhibition of landscapes of the native land
02.10.2012 This year, the Dnipropetrovsk region celebrates eighty years from its formation.
"European Dimension" - works of old European masters in Kiev
01.10.2012 A huge number of spectators came to the opening of the exhibition "European Dimension", which began its work in the Kiev National Museum of Art.
Gallery "Aesthetics" invites you to evaluate the paintings of Vladimir Rakcheev
01.10.2012 Saratov artist Vladimir Rakcheev invites you to visit a personal exhibition of paintings, which is organized in the gallery "Aesthetics", which he owns.
Butterfly wings instead of paints in paintings - a unique exhibition in Izhevsk
28.09.2012 In the city of Izhevsk opened an unusual exhibition of paintings by the artist from Lipetsk, Vadim Zaretsky. The paintings settled in the hall of the Gallery exhibition center, immediately arousing the great interest of gallery visitors.
Pablo Picasso’s works will be seen by residents of Sakhalin Island
27.09.2012 The residents of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk had the opportunity to see unique works by the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. An exhibition began in the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Art Museum, materials for which were brought by Alexander Shadrin, a collector in Yekaterinburg.
Exhibitions in Ulyanovsk dedicated to the future anniversary of A.A. Plastov
27.09.2012 For Ulyanovsk, September turned out to be a month rich in events important for the cultural life of Russia. In the halls of the Lenin Memorial, an exhibition of artists who became nominees for the A. Plastov Prize, “Plastovskaya Autumn”, began work.
The "Image of Russia" project presents painting masters from Europe
27.09.2012 The international project “Image of Russia” presented in Moscow an exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists from Europe, which began its work in the Tsereteli Art Gallery.
ROSIZO Exhibition Center presents the exhibition "Sunny Caucasus"
26.09.2012 Young artists from the North Caucasus region and the Republic of Armenia brought to the cloudy and rainy capital their paintings, full of sun and bright colors.