Press-releases 04.03.2020 03.03.2020
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04.03.2020 Gallery "Ul. The Big Craft at the Golden Stairs ”, 4th floor
Intro Ksenia Kimlyk 0+
04.03.2020 Gallery "Design club", 2nd floor.
04.03.2020 Gallery "Business Art", 3rd floor.
04.03.2020 Gallery "Malevich Street", 3rd floor
04.03.2020 Gallery "Ts", 1st floor
Margoski # 2
04.03.2020 From March 6 to March 12, 2020, we present the joint exhibition project Margoski # 2 of the Promgrafika and Expo-88 galleries.
Exhibition "Contemporary Print. New Arrivals to the School of Watercolor Collection"
04.03.2020 On March 6, at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolor by Sergey Andriyaka, the opening of the exhibition “Modern Print. New arrivals to the Watercolor School collection. ”
Exhibition "Light Shape Color" 12 +
04.03.2020 On March 5, a photo project of the experimental creative workshop of the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, dedicated to the 80th birthday of Ivan Borisovich Porto, opens in the Nagornaya gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association.
XIII Moscow international exhibition of dolls and bears Teddy Mocow Fair
04.03.2020 From April 10 to 12, Tishinka will host the annual exhibition and sale of Teddy dolls and bears Moscow FairEverything will be here: from Soviet small dolls to modern Japan, from rare Barbie dolls to skier bears. It is impossible to miss this exhibition - after all, the most athletic bear in Russia, the Olympic bear, celebrates its anniversary! .
Exhibition Larisa Akhmadeeva "Under the sky of St. Petersburg"
04.03.2020 The exhibition of paintings and pastels by Larisa Akhmadeeva: “Under the sky of St. Petersburg”, dedicated to the women’s holiday on March 8.
"Tartaria. New topography." Sergey Poteryaev
04.03.2020 With the support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the New Tartaria Foundation and the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, on March 5, 2020, at 18.00, the Gallery of Modern Art of the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, 57 Karl Marx St.) will open an exhibition of the winner of prestigious contests, photographer Sergey Poteryaev .
“Dried - Believe” traveling exhibition of the K. A. Timiryazev Biological Museum and the International Memorial
03.03.2020 In the Perm Art Gallery opens a traveling exhibition of the Biological Museum. K. A.
Alla Mirovskaya. "Moscow. Konkovo. Reboot"
03.03.2020 In the Center for Identity Gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will be an exhibition of Alla Mirovskaya "Moscow. Konkovo. Reboot. "
Exhibition of Irina Kalinina "Earthly-heavenly"
03.03.2020 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Irina Kalinina presents the author’s project “EARTH-HEAVENLY” in the Engels Art Gallery of the Radishchev Museum
Exhibition "NeAkvarel"
03.03.2020 Petersburg Concert continues the tradition of holding art exhibitions within the walls of the Catherine’s Assembly. On the eve of International Women’s Day, an unusual opening day will be held here. March 6 at 17.