Press-releases 30.12.2019 30.12.2019
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Exhibition Vasya Lozhkina RISE OF THE NEW SUN!
30.12.2019 “My art is not primitivism in the broad sense. It lives and breathes. I am not interested in the relationship of color and form, or something like that.
Pushkin Museum announces exhibition plans for 2020
30.12.2019 The State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts has announced exhibition plans for 2020.
Nutcracker. 6+
30.12.2019 January 3 - January 6. Beginning at 10:00 and at 13:00.
30.12.2019 January 10 and 12, 2020 (Friday, Sunday), 7 p.m. During the Christmas holidays, the Petersburg Concert and the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Sergey Stadler will present to the public the new music festival "Star of Bethlehem".
"Christmas meetings"
30.12.2019 The theme of Christmas meetings is dedicated to the opening of the gallery in a new space. Christmas is a bright holiday for which close friends of the gallery will gather. The exhibition will feature more than 30 contemporary Russian artists.
Exhibition of Expedition to Pakistan Khan Valley
30.12.2019 The purpose of the exposition is to show "the peaks that no one has been to."
Festival of street theaters "New Year and Christmas"
30.12.2019 From January 3 to 7, 2020, the Museum of Moscow will host the festival of street theaters "New Year and Christmas", which will include performances of clowning theaters, jugglers, performers, performances based on well-known children’s fairy tales, art markets and master classesAlso on vacation days, except January 6 and 7, it will be possible to visit the museum’s exhibitions for free.
Christmas party
30.12.2019 January 5 at 19.00.
New Year’s Express in the USSR
30.12.2019 The musical "New Year’s Express in the USSR" will hit the road on January 4 at 19.00 in the Catherine’s meeting. The “train” is controlled by the Feel`armonia group (Philharmonic).
Favorite operetta and movie music
30.12.2019 January 3 at 19.00 Mademoiselle Operetta sets off on an exciting musical journey with the audience. She is enthusiastically greeted anywhere. She is a real favorite of the public.
Cabaret Maxim’s
30.12.2019 January 3 at 19.00.
The project "Light and porcelain nature of women" by Konstantin, Marina and Alexandra Khudyakov. 16+
30.12.2019 Digital and analogue art in the framework of the project “Light and Porcelain Nature of Women” is presented in a single space of exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of ArtsThe exposition consists of works by a designer, painter, multimedia artist, Honored Artist of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, vice president and member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts Konstantin Vasilyevich Khudyakov, his wife, artist and musician Marina Leonidovna Khudyakova, as well as author’s art dolls created by their daughter, Member of the Association of Puppeteers, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Alexandra Konstantinovna Khudyakova.
"Orlitsky vs Tuzov"
30.12.2019 January 24, 2020 in the gallery GUM-Red-Line will open the exhibition "Orlitsky vs Tuzova." It will be the first rivalry between two young artists, Maxim Orlitsky and Ivan Tuzov, working in completely different manners and techniques.
"Ice Age Giants"
30.12.2019 On December 27, the exhibition of MOVING PRE-HISTORICAL ANIMALS “Giants of the Ice Age” will begin its work in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (103 Lenin St., second floor).
"Christmas holidays with a museum"
30.12.2019 January 2 "Christmas in folk art"