Press-releases 07.05.2019 27.04.2019
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Exhibition of paintings by Anastasia Koronskaya "URBAN"
07.05.2019 Gallery "Ts", 1st floor.
Irina Dudina. Borovaya and surroundings
07.05.2019 The exhibition is a series of StPetersburg landscapes created by the author with oil paints on a furniture hardboard. It all started with the fact that several years ago, finding in her workshop old oil paints left by previous artists, and finding sheets of hardboard in the garbage dump, Irina Dudina indulged in capturing the surroundings of Borova Street, on which her attic is located.
Overnight at the Mad Tea Party Museum. Gallery "On Kashirka"
07.05.2019 MAY 18, 2019 / 16.00 - 23.00.
06.05.2019 Gallery "Current" 3rd floor.
Poetry of Victory. Respect. Remember
06.05.2019 May 9 at 13:00 in the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the School of Watercolors Sergey Andriyaka held a festive and poetry event in memory of the events of the Second World War!
East Meets West Gallery "Between Heaven and Earth." Part I
06.05.2019 From May 16 to June 16, 2019 at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts, the director and curator of East Meets West Gallery Tatyana Paleeva (Chilingaryan) presents the art project “Between Heaven and Earth” Part I, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the gallery.
Exhibition "Homecoming"
06.05.2019 Within the framework of the project “Memory Bridge”, an exhibition “Homecoming” is opening in the Perm Gallery.
Art project CONTRA-POST
05.05.2019 CONTRAPOST (Italian contrapposto - “opposite”, from Latin contra - “against” and postis - “pillar, abutment”) is one of the methods of shaping, which consists in the contrasting arrangement of masses, volumes balanced relative to the axis of symmetry, which creates a feeling of dynamic equilibrium.
"The city at the height: Moscow and Muscovites during the war"
27.04.2019 The Moscow Museum together with the observation platform PANORAMA360 will present the exhibition “The City at the Top: Moscow and Muscovites During the War”The exhibition will be held from April 30 to June 1 at the PANORAMA360 observation deck on the 89th floor of the Federation-East tower of the Moscow-City complex.
Hamlet (12+)
27.04.2019 Tragedy in two acts. William Shakespeare.
"On the River of Time." Exhibition of works by Igor Mashkov
27.04.2019 The Exhibition Halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Prechistenka 21) will host an exhibition of works “On the River of Time” by the Honored Artist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Igor Gennadievich Mashkov.
27.04.2019 JUNE 9, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
27.04.2019 MAY 12, 13:00 - 13:40.
LECTURE "NIKOLAI MESCHERIN: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LANDSCAPE?" Elena Yakimovich about the picturesque and photographic landscapes of Dugino
27.04.2019 APRIL 28, 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Pasha Artemiev reads Alexander Arkhangelsky
27.04.2019 On April 29 at 19:30 in the Museum of Russian Impressionism, as part of the “Roman at the Museum” program, musician and actor Pavel Artemyev will read excerpts from Alexander Arkhangelsky’s new novel, The Verification BureauAnd after talking with the author and the audience.