Press-releases 21.12.2018 13.12.2018
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Lecture "Governors of Siberia"
21.12.2018 December 23 at 15.00.
"Claude Monet. The genius of impressionism"
21.12.2018 From December 28 to February 3, in the Loft project “ETAGI”, St. Petersburg, an exhibition of exclusive digital art reproductions made in the technique of the giclee, “Claude Monet. The genius of impressionism. "
Exhibition of Dmitry Moshchevitin (1894-1974)
21.12.2018 Dmitry Moshchevitin is another pet of the Kazan Art School, for which the short years spent in our city have become decisive in the professional activity that has been going on in Moscow for more than 50 yearsD.P. Moshchevitin is known as a graphic artist, a master of book and magazine illustration, collaborating with leading Moscow publishing houses and magazines.
Exhibition of Paper Plastic
21.12.2018 On December 15, an exhibition of carved paper compositions by students of the Sevastopol Art School will open in the Yevpatoria gallery of contemporary art “theHARASHO” of the International Center for Theater Arts “Golden Key”.
Natasha Shalina. CABINET, MY CABINET
21.12.2018 The exhibition project consists of the installation “Once upon a time”, a series of paintings “Girls. Old photo ”,“ Cages ”installations,“ Chest ”object.
Atlantrop Rinat Minnebaev
21.12.2018 Ufa artist Rinat Minnebaev (born 1964) is one of the leading masters of contemporary art of the Volga and Ural regions, who has received wide acclaim and recognition as a graphic artist.
Exhibition "Blankets and Pillows". "ARTISTS"
20.12.2018 At the New Year’s exhibition in Gallery A3, viewers will plunge into the wonderful world of dreams. A dream is a miracle that has not ceased to interest mankind since ancient times.
Exhibition "Christmas tree"
20.12.2018 December 20 in the gallery "Nagornaya" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens a total installation, once inside, the viewer gets into the New Year’s forest of modern art.
"Christmas tree with Petson and Findus"
20.12.2018 The Big Cartoon Festival and the Gilyarovsky Center, a branch of the Museum of Moscow, have been inviting to the New Year family holiday "Christmas Tree with Petson and Findus" from December 22Adventure awaits guests in the company of the famous heroes of the Swedish writer Sven Nurdkvist, who are very fond of children and adults - the old man Petson, jack of all trades, and his cat Findus, the mischievous and dreamer.
Salvador Dali’s exhibition "Surrealism is Me"
20.12.2018 The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) will open a large exhibition by Salvador Dali, “Surrealism is Me,” which will present works by the greatest genius of the 20th century.
New Year’s meeting
13.12.2018 Vagabond gallery | gallery in a suitcase with his beloved partner - Colombina room, a designer clothing studio, as well as fellow artists Ulugbek Doschanov, Dina Kalinkina, Julia Kirakosyan, Masha Maykova, Victoria Nikitina, Anna Charina and INGA are waiting for everyone at the exhibition!
"Station Russia"
13.12.2018 The Triumph Gallery and the Tsar’s Tower Gallery present the Russia Station exhibitionThe project was presented in the Russia Pavilion at the 16th Venice International Architecture Biennale in 2018 and is related to the theme “Free Space” (curated by the curators of the biennale), which is of particular importance for Russia.
Offenbach GALA
13.12.2018 January 14, at the main stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater (6 Ostrovsky Square), Sergei Stadler and the Petersburg Concert collective - the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra - will present a program dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the French composer Jacques Offenbach.
"Art Experiment. Wonder of the World"
13.12.2018 On January 7, 1839, physicist Dominique Francois Jean Arago read a report at the Paris Academy of Sciences on the achievements of Nisephor Nieppes and Louis Daguerre and demonstrated a photograph taken with a pinhole camera, stating that "from now on, the ray of sun has become an obedient draftsman of everything around." This date went down in history as the birthday of photography, the technology for registering light that is so popular today, accessible to absolutely everyone .
Exhibition "Dynasty. Ways and Worlds of the Putintsevs"
13.12.2018 December 25, 2018 in the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 21) will open the exhibition of paintings and graphic works of the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Eduard Putintsev and honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts Konstantin Putintsev.