Press-releases 31.10.2017 31.10.2017
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Exhibition of Yuri Nabatov "M&G: Past, Present, Future in Author’s Photography"
31.10.2017 The Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Creative Union of Russian Artists present Yuri Nabatov’s anniversary project “M&G: Past, Present, Future in Author’s Photography”. To the 75th birthday.
Exhibition "At the forefront of new life"
31.10.2017 Painting, graphics, sculpture from museum and private collections 25 famous Russian artists of the early twentieth century Konstantin Korovin, Lyubov Popova, Alexander Rodchenko, Anna Golubkina, Valentin Serov, Pavel Trubetskoy, Alexander Yakovlev, etc.
ANTIQUES Vitaliy Wolf. Painting, graphics, poster.
31.10.2017 Alpert Gallery represents a unique artist belonging to the generation of the sixties. Vitaliy Wolf is a painter, poster artist, master of applied graphics and book illustration.
31.10.2017 Why did the “peasant theme”, so loud in the Bolshevik appeals (“Come, comrade, to our collective farm!”), Almost did not sound in the music of the revolutionary era? Today we know how the Bolshevik slogan about the “connection of the city and the village” was dramatically realized in real life, but how was this reflected in the music of that time? In search of answers, we clash in our program two works by AMosolov, the leader of urbanism of the 1920s - his “proletarian” “Plant” and the “Soviet-peasant” play “The Tractor Column Enters the Collective Farm Village”; we present the brilliant sound cartoons of Shostakovich to the characteristic human characters of that time.
New project of the Center for Contemporary Art Winery "Open Studios"
31.10.2017 Winery Center for Contemporary Art launches the Open Studios projectFor the first time in Moscow, on the basis of one of the leading Russian art institutions, a modern workshop will appear. Center for Contemporary Arts Winzavod provides young artists with a comfortable workspace so that they can create just a few steps from the best Moscow galleries of contemporary art, and the opportunity to immerse themselves in a professional art environment.
Exhibition of the photographer Konstantin Vladimirovich Markov "Reflected Reality"
31.10.2017 November 1, 2017 at 16.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St.
Exhibition "Revolution and Art: on the 100th anniversary of the events of October 1917"
31.10.2017 October 27 at 16.00 in the main building of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (5 Lenin St.) opens the exhibition "Revolution and Art: on the 100th anniversary of the events of October 1917" (painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative art from the collection of the Irkutsk Art Museum).
Exhibition "Paustovsky and Cinema"
31.10.2017 November 1 in the gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will be the official opening of the exhibition "Paustovsky and Cinema." The project was prepared jointly with the Moscow Literary Museum-Center K.GPaustovsky as part of a citywide program celebrating the 125th anniversary of the writer with the participation of the State Central Museum of Cinema and the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art.
Youth interregional exhibition project "Time is waiting"
31.10.2017 ORGANIZERS:
Elena Proklova will play a lame, ugly old woman
31.10.2017 The cult director Anna Babanova is preparing for the premiere of the play “Whirlpool of Love” based on the most controversial novel by Alexander Kuprin “Pit”.
Exhibition of paintings "Sunny Land" by Zaza Kharabadze
31.10.2017 In the Creative Cluster of Contemporary Art "ARTMUZA" in the gallery "Ts" from November 3 to 17 will be an exhibition of paintings "Sunny Land" by Zaza Kharabadze.
Exhibition of graphics by the artist Nikita Zdorovenin "Returning joy to modern art"
31.10.2017 In the Creative Cluster of Contemporary Art "ARTMUZA" in the gallery "st. Bolshaya Handicraft "from November 1 to December 19 will host an exhibition of graphics by the artist Nikita Zdorenin" Returning joy to modern art "
Exhibition of the artist and sculptor Alexei Arkhipov "Three Elements"
31.10.2017 In the Creative Cluster of Contemporary Art "ARTMUZA" in the Gallery "Ts" from November 17 to December 19, the exhibition "Three Elements" of the artist and sculptor Alexei Arkhipov will be held.
Project "Metamorphosis" Arthur Van Balen
31.10.2017 As part of the Parallel Program of the VII Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art.
Paper Memory Project
31.10.2017 As part of the Parallel Program of the VII Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art.