Press-releases 17.08.2017 30.07.2017
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Exhibition "From Irkutsk Province to the Irkutsk Region" to the 80th anniversary of the region
17.08.2017 August 10 at 16:00 in the Main building of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (Lenin St., 5) opens the exhibition "From the Irkutsk province to the Irkutsk region", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the region.
5th Anniversary, Annual Festival "South Ossetia in Gallery A3"
17.08.2017 The 5th anniversary annual festival “South Ossetia in Gallery A3” presents two exhibitions:
Exhibition. SERGEY VASILIEVICH NON-CONSTRUCTIONS. On the occasion of the 90th birthday
07.08.2017 The exhibition dedicated to the 90th birthday of S. V. Neustroev continues the cycle of stock displays of the Pushkin Museum of the RT, works of artists - anniversaries.
The miniature world of Mikhail Rakov. To the 125th anniversary of the artist
07.08.2017 From August 10 to September 4, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, as part of the cycle “Born of October”, will host the exhibition “The World of Miniatures by Mikhail RakovTo the 125th anniversary of the artist. ” The exhibition will feature the works of Mikhail Dmitrievich Rakov and the works of masters of folk art crafts, made according to the artist’s sketches from the Museum’s collection, as well as archival materials of the Vologda State Museum-Reserve, as well as works and documents from the artist’s family collection.
Performance "SHOWER SHOWER"
07.08.2017 When: August 19, 2017, 15: 00-17: 00 For the second year at the end of the summer, the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art gathers the best lace-makers of Russia to participate in the grandiose performance “The Lacemaker’s Show” - the culmination of the annual summer festival “Picnic“ Matryoshka LIVE ” .
Green party: The right holiday will save the wrong summer!
07.08.2017 When: August 19, 2017, 13: 00-17: 00 "Matryoshka LIVE" against umbrellas, boredom and bad moodWe are for green summer gardens, outdoor activities and a healthy life! The All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art is calling at the Green party of the traditional summer picnic “Matryoshka LIVE”.
07.08.2017 Date: August 23-27, 2017 Venue: Palace of Festivals and Congresses, Debussy Theater Foyer
"My city" personal exhibition of Vladimir Proshkin
07.08.2017 If St. Petersburg had brushes, he could write his own history on canvas, but, alas, cities are not capable of holding a palette, but they can inspire their talented residents to tell a story on their own behalf.
Exhibition Tatyana Astakhova "Windows into the past." Ceramics
07.08.2017 On August 1, the exhibition of the works of Tatyana Astakhova “Windows to the Past” began in the KIIA. Ceramics.
"Timely art. Leonid Baranov, his friends and heroes" (Moscow)
07.08.2017 August 4 at 16:00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (st. Karl Marx, 23) opens an exhibition from the Russian Academy of Arts - "Timely art. Leonid Baranov, his friends and heroes. "
Moscow in one shot - active citizens will choose the best photos of the capital
07.08.2017 How noisy streets coexist with quiet corners of nature, which areas of five-story buildings will be remembered, and how familiar buses, trolleybuses and metro are indispensable for citizens - themes of the Planet Moscow photo contest this yearProfessional photographers and amateurs will show that Moscow, which often goes unnoticed.
Exhibition by Andrei Yesionov BALANCE
07.08.2017 Andrei Kimovich Esionov is a recognized Russian artist whose solo exhibitions were held in St. Petersburg (at the Russian Museum), in Moscow (at the Academy of Arts and at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art), in Samara (at the Samara Museum of Art) and repeatedly in Europe.
30.07.2017 Alpert Gallery and present the Moscow Vacation art project. For almost a month, Alpert Gallery will turn into a city art residence, which each resident artist will be able to dispose of at his discretion, including conducting master classes, meetings with spectators and collectors.
Exhibition of philatelic collections of Stanislav Nikolayevich Stepanov "Exhibition of postage stamps of Russia, the USSR and foreign postage stamps" ANNIVERSARY OF OCTOBER "
30.07.2017 August 4 at 16:00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103) will open the exhibition of the philatelic collection of Stanislav Nikolayevich Stepanov "Exhibition of postage stamps of Russia, the USSR and foreign postage stamps" ANNIVERSARY OF OCTOBER "To the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917.
Exhibition "MAESTRO Etching"
30.07.2017 On August 3, at 16:00, the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (104 Lenin) will host the opening of the exhibition MAESTRO Etching, ON THE 140th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF MA DOBROV (1877 - 1958).