Art news 08.07.2012 25.06.2012
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Not punctual
08.07.2012 On June 29, an exhibition opened in Kharkov, the leitmotif of which was the desire to draw public attention to the need to value time. The exhibition “Opizdali” by Taras Kamenny is filled not so much with holistic works of art as with imperfections demonstrating how preparations for Euro 2012 went in Ukraine.
Finding the lost time are the Donetsk Foundation Isolation and the Continua Gallery
08.07.2012 On July 7, the opening of a unique experience in Ukrainian art took place, when the entire territory of the former factory for the production of insulating materials will become a platform for creative self-realization of artists.
Ukraine hosted the festival of street art "BLACK CIRCLE 2012"
05.07.2012 The Black Circle of the 3rd international festival was held from June 14-18 in an abandoned sanatorium in the city of Yaremche (Ukraine)Nestled among the mountains, surrounded by coniferous and deciduous forests, this small city has become a springboard for creative self-realization of Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, French, Russian artists.
Life of Russian hinterland through the eyes of artists of the second half of the twentieth century
05.07.2012 On July 4, an exhibition dedicated to realism in Soviet art opened in the Russian Museum. The paintings that made up the core of the exhibition were provided from private collections and reveal the perception of post-war artists.
Bahrain funeral rites at the Hermitage
05.07.2012 On July 2, the welcoming doors of the Hermitage were opened for an Arab guest - an exposition of the National Museum of Bahrain, dedicated to the peculiarities of funeral rituals and traditions that accompany a person’s departure to the afterlife.
New life of Petersburg graphics
02.07.2012 On June 27, St. Petersburg welcomed a somewhat forgotten, but no less beloved by the townspeople phenomenon, as St. Petersburg graphics.
Archetypal perception of the world by Alexei Malykh
02.07.2012 June 27 in Kiev, the opening of an exhibition of contemporary Ukrainian artist Alexei Malykh. The public can familiarize themselves with the Archemif exposition in the Triptych ART gallery.
"Letters" of the artists of the Soviet underground to the present
30.06.2012 The exhibition, which opened on June 29 at the Hermitage, is not only a vivid testimony of a whole era of contemporary art from 1980-2000, but also a kind of reminder of how nice it is sometimes to receive letters in ordinary envelopes.
Musical canvases by Christian Schutz
30.06.2012 On June 28, an exhibition of "singing" paintings opened in the Russian Museum. Their author is a modern German artist Christian Schutz, who believes in the inextricable link between musical and artistic creativity.
Artist and outstanding teacher Sergey Katkov - 100-year-old memory of a great soul!
29.06.2012 To organize the exhibition, the opening of which took place on June 27, the National Art Museum of Belarus disturbed its funds and took out more than 80 paintings for the exhibition dedicated to the memory of the talented artist and brilliant Teacher - Sergey Petrovich Katkov.
The unusual routine of people of art
28.06.2012 Opening of the exhibition Arseny Zhilyaev “Museum of proletarian culture. Industrialization of Bohemia ”, held as part of the III Moscow International Biennale of Young Art at the Tretyakov Gallery, postponed to July 13 (vernissage - July 12)!
The poetics of Japanese photography in the center of aesthetic education "Museyon" from the Pushkin Museum to them. A.S. Pushkin
27.06.2012 Art photography is not only the main rival of painting, but also a source of inspiration for creators whose mind is not clouded and open to the new. It is impossible to create a really strong picture, bearing not only beauty, but also a deep inner content, without in-depth knowledge about the development of fine art!
"Moving Light" by Sergey Postnikov at the Central House of Artists
27.06.2012 On June 26, Sergei Postnikov’s project “Sliding Light” was opened, combining meters of domestic impressionism such as Bato Dugarzhapov, Alexander Bobrov, Ilya Danshin, Yuri Konstantinov, Evgeny Kravtsov, Elena Petrova, Mikhail Kaban-Petrov, Vladimir Stakheev, Andrey Pliev, Mamuk Gogshelidze, Vitaly Makarov, etc.
The work of Konstantin Korovin to the sounds of classical music
26.06.2012 The Tretyakov Gallery decided to please its visitors and, in addition to the exhibition of paintings by Konstantin Korovin presented in Krymsky Val, organized a solemn musical event on June 23 at a site located near the Tatlin Tower.
Excursion tour of the exposition of modern sculpture in Kiev
25.06.2012 On June 23, in the Kiev Botanical Garden, which became the venue for the first international festival of modern sculpture, a small excursion was held under the guidance of renowned art critic Lyudmila Lysenko.