Art news 04.05.2015 14.04.2015
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Exhibition "For the Fatherland!" the first to see the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod
04.05.2015 NIZHNY NOVGOROD. The exhibition "For the Fatherland!", Representing battle art performed by artists of Russian cities, was inaugurated on April 30 at the exhibition complex of Nizhny Novgorod. This exhibition is organized as a traveling one.
The Tyumen Museum of Fine Arts has an exhibition of front-line sketches of Tyumen artists
04.05.2015 TYUMEN. Museum complex to them. Slovtsova, by opening the exhibition "Roads of War", joined the celebration of the anniversary of Victory Day.
The exhibition of book graphics "Storytellers", which came off at the Pushkin Museum to them. Pushkin dedicated to the Year of Literature
29.04.2015 MOSCOW. The exhibition project, which opened at the Pushkin Museum on April 25, presents book graphics. The exhibition, presented to visitors to the museum under the name "Storytellers", was created on the idea of Marina Loshak, director of the Pushkin Museum.
The Russian Museum opened the exhibition "There is a people’s war ..." created from the works of artists of the war years
29.04.2015 ST. PETERSBURG. About a hundred works created by Soviet artists during the war years, presented at the exhibition "There is a people’s war...", which opened in the Russian Museum. The exhibition is waiting for visitors until June 22nd.
Sketches and sketches of Arkady Plastov at the exhibition "Protection of the hearth" in the regional museum of Ulyanovsk
27.04.2015 Ulyanovsk. The Regional Art Museum of Ulyanovsk is waiting for visitors to the exhibition of works by Arkady Plastov, named for one of his works - “Protection of the homeland”.
In the gallery of the Voronezh Chamber Theater an exhibition of graphics by the famous theater artist Yuri Harikov is open
26.04.2015 VORONEZH. The Gallery of the Chamber Theater is waiting for visitors to the exhibition of a series of graphic works created by Yuri Harikov, a famous theater and cinema artist.
Exhibition of children’s art "World through the eyes of children"
24.04.2015 MOSCOW. From April 19 to May 15, 2015, the Moscow Union of Artists hosts an exhibition of children’s art “The World through the Eyes of Children”.
"Victory - one for all" - an exhibition in the regional museum of fine arts of Orenburg
23.04.2015 ORENBURG. The Regional Museum of Fine Arts on April 22 opened an exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the Great Victory. Its exposition, called “Victory is one for all,” is collected from works of art of various genres stored in the museum’s collection.
The exhibition on the anniversary of Victory Day, which opened at the Siberia Exhibition Center, will be supplemented by interesting events
22.04.2015 KRASNOYARSK. “Let us bow to those great years” - under this name, an exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of the Great Victory began to work in the Siberia Exhibition Center.
The exhibition project "Time of Art", which opened in Lipetsk, presented two exhibitions of painting at the same time.
19.04.2015 LIPETSK. The exhibition project, presented by the regional art museum under the name "Art Time", began work on April 17th.
The artist Natalia Ovsiyenko with the exhibition "Spring mood" first presented her work in Tula
18.04.2015 TULA. The personal exhibition of Natalia Ovsienko, which opened on April 15, will be open for a month. Her exposition is located in the exhibition hall of the city under the name "Spring mood".
The exhibition "World of Sports", which opened in the hall of the Institute. Repin. became the finale of a competition organized by philanthropist Igor Iinakov
16.04.2015 ST. PETERSBURG. The exhibition "World of Sports", which opened on April 15 in the hall of the Institute. Repin, waiting for visitors on April 23rd.
The anniversary exhibition of Joseph Bobenchik - "Creativity and Love" is opened in Belgorod
15.04.2015 BELGOROD. The Rodina Exhibition Hall invites you to visit the Creativity and Love exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Joseph Bobenchik, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
An exhibition of the works of famous Vladimir artists "To remember ..." is open in the city Center of Fine Arts
14.04.2015 VLADIMIR. On April 26, an exhibition of paintings by famous artists of Vladimir, who are no longer with us, will open at the Center for Fine Arts.
Russian Art Week at the Central House of Artists April 11-19, 2015
14.04.2015 MOSCOW. XV International Exhibition-Competition "Russian Art Week" - Russian ArtWeek 2015-spring has collected more than 1,500 art objects from more than 20 countries.