Art news 13.04.2015 23.03.2015
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An exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Nizhny Novgorod artist Vladimir Kundin is open at the Art Museum of Nizhny Novgorod
13.04.2015 NIZHNY NOVGOROD. In memory of Vladimir Kundin, a Nizhny Novgorod artist whose life was cut short in 2010, an exhibition was opened that opened on April 11 at the Museum of Art. This year, Vladimir Kundin would have celebrated his sixtieth birthday.
The anniversary of the famous Nizhny Tagil artist Vilen Mukharkin was celebrated with his personal exhibition
12.04.2015 LOWER TAGIL. One of the city’s most famous artists, Vilen Mukharkin, celebrated his 90th birthday on April 6th. In honor of the anniversary, employees of the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Fine Arts prepared a personal exhibition of the hero of the day, which received the first visitors on April 8th.
The exhibition "Perm has many faces" was located in the Perm Art Residence
10.04.2015 PERMIAN. The exhibition "Perm has many faces", combining forty paintings by Perm artists and historical photographs of the city from a private collection in the exhibition space of the Art Residence, opened on April 8th.
The exhibition "Artist and Book", representing the work of illustrators, opened in Kazan
08.04.2015 KAZAN. The Gallery of Modern Art, which is part of the Pushkin Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, presented the work of young authors at the exhibition “Artist and Book”.
"Love and the joy of life" - personal exhibition of Dmitry Polenkin in Petrozavodsk
07.04.2015 PETROZAVODSK. The exhibition "Love and the joy of life", opened on April 3 at the Museum of Fine Arts, marks the 75th anniversary of Dmitry Polenkov, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Portraits of Vakhtangov artists at the exhibition of Ilya Komov in the Pushkin Museum
05.04.2015 MOSCOW. The personal exhibition of Ilya Komov, which opened at the A. Pushkin Museum on April 3, is waiting for visitors.
Creativity of Russian impressionists at an exhibition in Yaroslavl
04.04.2015 YAROSLAVL. In the art museum of Yaroslavl in the last days of March, the exhibition "Russian Impressionism" began to work.
"Worlds of Evgeny Rastorguev" - an exhibition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the artist
02.04.2015 NIZHNY NOVGOROD. Until April 19, the Nizhny Novgorod Exhibition Complex is waiting for visitors to the exhibition "Worlds of Evgeny Rastorguev", which opened at the end of last week.
Museum of the Pushkin Museum. For the first time in Russia, Pushkin presents the work of the Hungarian painter Mihai Munkachi
31.03.2015 MOSCOW. For the first time, Russian art connoisseurs will see paintings written by Hungarian painter Mihai Munkachi. In the Pushkin Museum to them. Pushkin March 31 exhibition opens, called the museum staff - "Around Munkachi."
City Lines by artist Andrei Bodrov at an exhibition at the Hermitage-Kazan Center
30.03.2015 KAZAN. The Hermitage-Kazan Center is waiting for fans of graphic art at the exhibition City Lines. Under this name, artist Andrei Bodrov opened an exhibition of his work.
"Oranges in the Blue Aspen" - painting by Valentina Diffine-Christie in Yekaterinburg
29.03.2015 EKATERIEBURG. “Oranges in a blue aspen” - under this name, on March 27, an exhibition opened in the Museum of Fine Arts of Yekaterinburg, allowing visitors to find themselves in the world of painting created by Valentina Diffine-Christi.
The exhibition "Historical Realism", representing the work of the painter Pavel Ryzhenko, opened in Tyumen
29.03.2015 TYUMEN. Until June 17, the exhibition project “Historical Realism” will be available to visitors to the Museum of Fine Arts, introducing painting connoisseurs to the monumental historical canvases created by the honored artist of the Russian Federation Pavel Ryzhenko.
In the museum to them. Kramskoy opened an exhibition of artists T. Mavrina and N. Kuzmin from the collection of the Museum of A. Pushkin
27.03.2015 VORONEZH. Since March 26th at the Museum. Kramskoy opened an exhibition of artists T. Mavrina and N. Kuzmin, the exposition of which is composed of works belonging to the State Museum of A. Pushkin.
In the house-museum of Kondraty Belov, the artist’s anniversary was marked by the opening of the exhibition
25.03.2015 OMSK. The Kondraty Belov Museum is waiting for visitors to the exhibition, opened on March 22, dedicated to the anniversary of the Master.
Portraits of veterans at the exhibition "They Fought for their Homeland" is presented by the People’s Artist of the USSR Alexander Shilov
23.03.2015 TVER. The Museum and Exhibition Center of Tver offers an introduction to the project "They Fought for their Homeland", which presents the work of the famous portrait master, People’s Artist of the USSR Shilov Alexander Maksovich.