Art news 30.07.2014 06.07.2014
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"The Artist is a Man of the World" - an exhibition of paintings by Mikhail Abakumov in Kolomna.
30.07.2014 Kolomna. Since July 18, the exhibition “The Artist is a Man of the World” has been opened at the Center “Ozerov’s House”. The exhibition exposition consists of works created by People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Mikhail Abakumov.
The exhibition "Nature sang ..." is dedicated to the anniversary of the artist N. V. Kudashev
30.07.2014 ORENBURG. Until mid-August, visitors to the regional Museum of Fine Arts will delight the opening exhibition, "Nature Sang...", dedicated to the anniversary. Nikolai Kudashev, an artist who dedicated his life and work to his native Orenburg.
In memory of Anton Chekhov, the exhibition "The heritage of Chekhov artists" is dedicated
23.07.2014 SOUTH SAKHALINSK. Commemorative exhibitions open every year on the day of the writer’s death in the exhibition hall of the Sakhalin Island Museum, dedicated to the work of the great writer A. P. Chekhov.
A new exhibition of works by Gennady Provatorov is open at the Academy of Watercolor
23.07.2014 MOSCOW. The Watercolor Academy continues to acquaint visitors of its exhibitions with the work of the talented artist Gennady Provatorov, who tragically left our world in 2012.
"Salt of the Earth" - an exhibition dedicated to the theme of the peasantry in the 19-20 century
23.07.2014 YAROSLAVL. “Salt of the Earth” - under this name, an exhibition of paintings on the theme of peasant life in the works of artists of the 19-20 centuries opened in the city art museum on July 5.
Shilo group. "Completed dissertation." The project is part of the parallel program of the IV Moscow International Biennale for Young Art 2014.
21.07.2014 The project is a comprehensive review of the phenomenon of Kharkov photography from the point of view of the continuity of traditions and their interpretation in modern conditionsThe exposition includes: the book “Completed dissertation”, video, analog photographs (vintage printing), some pages of the book (digital printing), texts.
The exhibition "Feather", consisting of watercolors by P. Kuzin, opened in Belgorod
12.07.2014 BELGOROD. Until the 18th of August, visitors to the Belgorod Art Museum will be introduced to the exhibition of watercolors by Pyotr Kuzin, a talented artist from Orel.
The unique project of Salvador Dali at an exhibition in Izhevsk
09.07.2014 Izhevsk. Until August 17, an exhibition from the Moscow agency "Art Guide" "Salvador Dali." Holy Message. "
The exhibition "The World of the Russian Village" awaits visitors to the Tropinin Museum
09.07.2014 MOSCOW. On July 3, the Tropinin Museum opened the exhibition “The World of the Russian Village”, which will introduce you to the works of artists created in the 18-20th centuries.
An exhibition dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the artist N. Krymov is opened in Krasnodar
07.07.2014 KRASNODAR. In the museum to them. On July 1, Kovalenko began an exhibition of paintings, which presented the work of Nikolai Krymov, People’s Artist of the RSFSR.
The ABC of Travels at the Warsaw Plenum
06.07.2014 July 2 at 17:00 in the exhibition hall "Varshavka" (Warsaw highway, 75, building 1), the opening of the exhibition program "Alphabet of Travel", prepared in conjunction with the children’s art gallery "Isopark"
Exhibition of Lyubov Barykina in the Yauza Tower
06.07.2014 From July 1 to September 1, 2014 in the Yauza Tower business center a personal exhibition of Lyubov Barykina’s "Birth of Color" is held.
Exhibition Space Methodology
06.07.2014 The exhibition is an integral part of the “Practice / Space” special project presented by the Institute of Contemporary Art Problems (IPSI) at the IV Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art.
Pictures of Kaluga artists about Crimea
06.07.2014 July 1 at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts exhibition "Crimea. Works of Kaluga artists. ”
Exhibition of painting Anna Silivonchik "Draw me a lamb"
06.07.2014 From July 4 to August 1, an exhibition of painting by Anna Silivonchik "Draw me a lamb" is held at the Tushino Exhibition Hall.