Art news 21.12.2012 14.12.2012
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"Decoration of the beautiful" in the Tretyakov Gallery
21.12.2012 MOSCOW. From December 19 to March 3, 2013, the Tretyakov Gallery will host an exhibition of kitsch and elitism in contemporary art.
Landscapes of Vietnam and Tibet at the exhibition, which opened in the gallery "Arch"
20.12.2012 VLADIVOSTOK. The Arka Gallery of Modern Art, with the assistance of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, invites you to visit the unique exhibition “From Asia”, which opened on December 19.
The exhibition "Soviet neorealism" is now in Moscow
20.12.2012 MOSCOW. Since December 20, Muscovites had the opportunity to get acquainted with the artwork of the Soviet thaw, made by graduates of the Institute of Fine Arts named after the great Repin, located in St. Petersburg.
Kiev celebrates the anniversary of the National Academy of Arts
19.12.2012 KIEV. December 18, the Kiev Academy of Arts celebrates its 95th anniversary. Throughout its history, the Academy has produced hundreds of excellent artists, sculptors, designers and art theorists.
Personal exhibition of Pavel Makov "Weekly"
19.12.2012 KIEV. In the center of contemporary art "I - Gallery", the opening of a personal exhibition of Ukrainian artist Pavel Makov took place.
Impressions from trips to European countries in the new works of Alexei Myasnikov
19.12.2012 NIZHNY NOVGOROD. Today, November 19, an exhibition of works by the Nizhny Novgorod artist Alexei Myasnikov opens. The name of the exhibition is “The Diary of an Artist”, which fully corresponds to its content.
Double Anniversary in the Museum and Creative Center "Korbakov House"
18.12.2012 VOGDA. The museum center “Korbakov’s House” invites you to visit the exhibition of the national artist Vladimir Korbakov, dedicated to two anniversaries at once.
"Still life in detail" - we are creating together with the Tretyakov Gallery
18.12.2012 MOSCOW. December 16 at Tretyakov Gallery an unusual event was held, the purpose of which was a comprehensive introduction to the creation of still lifes.
The works of the family of Nizhny Novgorod artists at the exhibition "Joy of Creativity"
17.12.2012 NIZHNY NOVGOROD. The exhibition hall of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod invites residents and visitors to visit the exhibition "The Joy of Creativity."
"Full growth" painting by Vladimir Tovkaylo
15.12.2012 December 7 in Kiev, in the halls of the Museum of Russian Art, the opening of the personal exhibition of Vladimir Tovkaylo - "Full growth". The basis of the exhibition was the work performed by the author in recent years, from 2010 to 2012.
Altar sculpture and art fabrics of Belarus XVII – XIX centuries.
15.12.2012 On December 14, an exhibition dedicated to the Belarusian altar sculpture and art fabrics was opened at the Minsk Art Museum.
In the "World of Things and Feelings" by Vladimir Zinkevich
15.12.2012 On December 11, a significant exhibition of the recognized Belarusian artist Vladimir Zinkevich was opened in Minsk.
"Soul is a bird of paradise" - miracles of "glass canvases" by artist V. Anikeev
15.12.2012 Residents of Chelyabinsk got the opportunity to get acquainted with unusual paintings - paintings by artist Vladimir Anikeev are made on glass.
Academy of Sergey Andriyaka presents the exhibition "Small Homeland"
14.12.2012 In Moscow, in the main building of the Sergey Andriyaka Academy of Watercolors, on December 14, the exhibition "The Small Homeland" will be solemnly opened, which will present the work of our contemporary artist Gennady Provatorov.
Solo exhibition of Victor Sidorenko opened in Ukraine
14.12.2012 December 12, in the Kharkov gallery of modern art "ErmilovCenter" the opening of an exhibition by contemporary artist Viktor Sidorenko, which presents a series of psychedelic works on the theme "Reflection in the unknown."