Press-releases 08.07.2019 01.07.2019
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Master class "Sea sketches. Watercolor"
08.07.2019 July 28, 4 p.m.
Master class "Wildflowers. Watercolor"
08.07.2019 July 17, 19:00 July 24, 12:15 In this lesson we will be inspired by picturesque wildflowers in their negligence. Under the guidance of the artist, we will learn how to create light, airy works using various watercolor “special effects”.
Master class for adults "In the workshop of the impressionist. We write with acrylic!"
08.07.2019 July 14, 16:00 A master class in acrylic painting is dedicated to the exhibition “A Place in the Sun. BenkovFeshin. " Visitors will see individual works from the exposition of the Museum, and then create their compositions in the space of an art workshop.
Exhibition "Modern Printed Graphics of South Korea"
08.07.2019 July 3 at 16.00 in the Gallery of Siberian Art (St. Karl Marx, 23) opens the exhibition "Contemporary Printed Graphics of South Korea."
"The nature of binary"
08.07.2019 On July 11, an exhibition of works by young Russian artists created within the framework of the All-Russian Forum of Youth Creative Workshops “ART Workshop XXI” will open at two venues in StPetersburg. at 18.00 - in the exhibition hall of the St.
Flying Ship (3+)
01.07.2019 July 2 at 16:00, July 14 at 11:00
A miniature park has opened in Moscow
01.07.2019 Copies of 80 of the most famous Russian sights were presented in Moscow at a scale of 1:50. In a reserved place in the south of the capital, in Tsaritsyno Park, the exhibition “Russia in Miniature” has begun work - this is the largest project in the history of architectural modeling in Russia.
Exhibition of Anatoly Filimonov "Magic Artist"
01.07.2019 July 4 at 18.00 in the Perm Art Gallery opens an exhibition of works by Perm artist Anatoly Filimonov (1949-2002)The exposition presents works performed in the period 1970-2000 in various visual techniques, different genres and themes: landscapes, portraits and self-portraits, plot paintings, decorative compositions, philosophical works on biblical themes.
"Tank painting. Meditation and philosophy of the East." Exhibition of works by Nikolai Dudko
01.07.2019 An exhibition of the works of a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Nikolai Nikolayevich Dudko opens at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts. The exposition presents more than four dozen works by the artist, continuing the art of traditional Buddhist painting "tanka".
"This is us!". Exhibition of works by Igor Smirnov. Graphics, caricature
01.07.2019 In the exhibition halls of the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, Prechistenka 21), an exhibition of the works of Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, a member of the French Academy of Humor Igor Smirnov, "This is Us!" Its name is metaphorical, since the exposition presents about 80 cartoons and graphic easel works that reveal the problem of the relationship between man and societyAmong them are such famous works as the series “All About Don Quixote”, “The Wind of Changes”, “Icarus”, “The Last Supper”, “Dam”.
"Young Photographers of Russia -2019"
01.07.2019 July 3 at the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts (Lenin St., 103, Red Hall) will open the final exhibition in the framework of the festival "Young Photographers of Russia -2019".
Exhibition "Persons - Zurab Tsereteli"
01.07.2019 Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli was born on January 4, 1934 in Tbilisi (Georgia). For the first time in Liechtenstein there will be a personal exhibition of the artist dedicated to his 85th birthday, as part of a cultural exchange supported by the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
"Classics of Croatian photography"
01.07.2019 The exhibition project "Classics of Croatian Photography", dedicated to the history of Croatian photography, includes 80 works by the main artists of this countryAmong them are the works of Tosho Dabac and Dzhuro Yanekovich of the 1930s, photographs of Milan and Slavka Paviche of the 1950s, as well as documentary footage of Mladen Tudor, made in the 1970s and 1980s.
Exhibition "One Workshop - Two Fates" Ivan Yushkov. Anna Yushkova
01.07.2019 June 27 at 16.00 in the main building of the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (st. Lenin, 5) will open the exhibition "One workshop - two fates."
"Tablets. 66. Tablichki." Exhibition of works by Nikolai Tereshchenko
01.07.2019 In the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts an exhibition of works by the Honored Artist of Russia, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Nikolai Nikolaevich Tereshchenko “Plates. 66. Tablichki. " The exhibition features more than 100 works by the artist, created by the author in recent years.