Press-releases 05.04.2017 27.03.2017
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Exhibition "Thin Images"
05.04.2017 April 12 at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art will open an exhibition "Subtle Images", which will present several works by contemporary Chinese artists Jean Iron and Chao HuThe names of these painters are little known in Russia, but the traditional Chinese painting technique in which they work has not only a long history, but also worldwide fame.
"Midcentury: designer furniture and abstract painting"
05.04.2017 April 8 at the Trekhgorny manufactory opens the gallery "Rosewood". The main idea is a symbiosis of design and painting of the second half of the twentieth century.
Personal exhibition of artist Anna Davydchenko
05.04.2017 An anniversary exhibition of paintings by the Feodosian artist Anna Vladimirovna Davydchenko has opened in the Republican House of ArtistsSince ancient times, Aivazovsky has been famous for its cultural traditions, and the art gallery named after the world-famous marine painter, which stores and exhibits not only his paintings, but also the works of Bogaevsky, Voloshin, .
Excursion to the exhibition "Bob Colbrener. Why nature?"
05.04.2017 April 8, at 13.00, the Gallery of Classical Photography invites you to a tour of the exhibition “Bob Colbrener. Why nature? ”
Exhibition "Golden Ring. Uglich"
03.04.2017 On April 4, the personal exhibition of the artist Sergei Kashinov, “The Golden Ring. Uglich ”, representing a series of original photographs dedicated to ancient Russian cities and views of their native country.
The most interesting at OTR from April 2 to 9
03.04.2017 April 2 at 11.30; 18.30 REVOLUTION IS TEN THOUSAND VACANCIES
Exhibition "I.K. Aivazovsky. Masterpieces of Painting"
03.04.2017 April 5 at 17.00 in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will open the exhibition "I.K. Aivazovsky. Masterpieces of Painting ”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the outstanding Russian marine painter.
Exhibition of Alexander and Dmitry Pankins "Dialogue of number and light." 12+
29.03.2017 April 5 in the gallery "On Kashirka" association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "Dialogue of Number and Light" by Alexander and Dmitry Pankins. Creativity of artists is aimed at exploring the deep connections of science and art.
"Ideas of cross-pollination" Purlik / Golitsyna. 18+
29.03.2017 April 5 in the gallery "On Kashirka" association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens a joint exhibition of Clara Golitsyna and Anatoly Purlik "Ideas of cross pollination."
Contemplation of the Cosmos
29.03.2017 Creative Workshop of the Ryabichevs Day of Joy Come In Cultural Center presents the Art Contemplation of Cosmos Art Festival.
Metaphorical realism of Sergey Milchenko. Sculpture
29.03.2017 April 18, 2017 at 16.00 in the halls of the Russian Academy of Arts at the address: st. Prechistenka, 21 opens the exhibition "Metaphorical Realism of Sergei Milchenko."
Clay master classes at the exhibition "Baikal-KeraMystika"
29.03.2017 Organizers Exhibition Baikal-KeraMystic. Ceramics born on Baikal " working in the Gallery of Siberian Art of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (st. Karl Marx, 23), launch a series of creative workshops on working with clay.
Exhibition of works by Mu KE (China) "Silk Road. Caravan of Art"
27.03.2017 On April 7, 2017, in the halls of the MVK PAX Gallery of Arts Zurab Tsereteli (Prechistenka, 19), the grand opening of the exhibition of works by the outstanding artist of modern China, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Mu Ke “Silk Road. A caravan of art. ”
World Festival "Piano Day"
27.03.2017 This is a real celebration of the piano - a musical instrument that can penetrate the very soul and stay there for a long time!
Exhibition for the Theater Day - "Dreams of Columbine"
27.03.2017 March 28, at 16.00 in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev (department of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum named after V.P. Sukachev) opens the exhibition "Dreams of Columbine" dedicated to the Theater Day.