Press-releases 25.11.2016 18.11.2016
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Nostalgia for old New York. Concert of Russian-American Composers
25.11.2016 December 6, Tuesday, 19.00 Concert Hall named after N.Ya. Myaskovsky Ticket admission
New music of Russia and Germany
25.11.2016 December 2, Friday, 19.00 Ticket admission
New Music Studio
25.11.2016 At the IV Edison Denisov International Festival in Tomsk, soloists of the New Music Studio ensemble will perform a concert program (November 26), as well as perform works by laureates of the Denisov Young Composers Competition (November 27)
Exhibition "Alienation"
25.11.2016 From November 24 to December 4, the “Alienation” exhibition will be presented at Gallery A3, which will bring together artists from various fields from England, Russia, Germany, Canada, Italy, South Korea, Serbia, and others.
Only paper. David Ter-Oganya
23.11.2016 In the gallery "Peresvetov Lane" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will open an exhibition of artist David TerOganyan. The exhibition will feature graphic works by the author, including from the series “Thousand Drawings”, which is the result of the artist’s work from 2013 to 2016.
Performance of drama and painting. The most scandalous genius of the 20th century - Pazolini - on the Russian stage!
23.11.2016 December 3, 2016 at 18.30 in the new-born Art Space “Iron Ball” the premiere of the psychological thriller “SUNNY BOYS. PASOLINI. "
Cinema evening "Shenekhen Tsaritsa" will be held in the Gallery of Siberian Art
23.11.2016 On Saturday, November 26, 2016, in the Gallery of Siberian Art at the address: st. Karl Marx, 23 will be the movie night "Shenhenhenskaya Queen". The program, designed for two hours - from 16.00 to 18.00 - a tour of the exhibition "The Endless River of Life" and the screening of the film "Shenhenhen Tsaritsa".
Creative meeting with photographer Vladimir Ryabkov: from Khibin to Chukotka
21.11.2016 On Saturday, November 26, at 5 p.m. Gallery of Classical Photography invites you to a creative meeting with photographer and traveler Vladimir Ryabkov.
Creative meeting with the director of the Zahradnik Gallery Dmitry Rubinstein "Photography in the exhibition format"
21.11.2016 On Friday, November 25, at 6:00 p.m. in the Gallery of Classical Photography a creative meeting will take place with the director of the Prague gallery Zahradnik Dmitry Rubinstein.
Author’s tour of Pavel Korbut at the exhibition "Emotional Jazz"
21.11.2016 On November 26, Saturday, at 15.00, photographer Pavel Korbut will conduct a tour of his personal exhibition “Emotional Jazz” in the Gallery of Classical Photography.
Nadezhda Severina. Garden music. Painting
21.11.2016 Air, Water, Earth..The trinity of the vital principle and the embodiment of the harmony of being. The earth in all the diversity of the plant world, nature conditions with weather and time cycles... This is the earthly Garden of Nadezhda Severina: a reflection of the artist’s inner world, captured on paintings.
Exhibition of Olga Pluzhnikova-Orlov Canvas-Tree
21.11.2016 “..Her paintings, as it were, arise in the process of unconscious ecstatic“ making ”. The brush as if touches the canvas itself, creates a warm and vibrating mass of strokes, and of them, as if in a dream, soaring translucent figures and objects...
About 7 thousand Indians watched Russian films in the framework of the forum "Days of Russian Cinema"
21.11.2016 From November 15 to 18, the second international film forum Days of Russian Cinema was held in the capital of Bollywood, the city of MumbaiDuring the festival, Russian paintings presented by the organizers - the production company Sinemarus with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Union of Cinematographers of Russia and the filmmakers - were watched by about 7 thousand Indian viewers - several thousand more than last year.
Exhibition "Boris Lebedinsky. Painting, Graphics"
21.11.2016 Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. On November 23, Sukacheva opens the exhibition “Boris Lebedinsky. Painting, graphics. " In 2016, the 125th anniversary of the birth of this famous Siberian artist, the founder of the Irkutsk school of printed graphics, was celebrated.
Concert. Dedicated to B. Shtokolov
18.11.2016 November 27 at 15.00 RUSSIAN ROMANCE Alexey Aksyonov (bass baritone)