Press-releases 10.07.2015 29.06.2015 automatic translate
Dresses for Marilyn Monroe. Lecture and film screening
10.07.2015 July 10 at 2:00 pm “Dresses for Marilyn Monroe. Costume designers Billy Travilla and Orry-Kelly, fashion designer Jean Louis and other Hollywood geniuses in the era of Christian Dior’s luxury, as part of the Fashion Diaries, From Design to Implementation exhibition, are hosted by film critic M. Musina.
Exhibition SIMPLE TOY
09.07.2015 On July 10, the exhibition “SIMPLE TOY” opens at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. The project will present to the public the amazing phenomenon of nesting dolls, which is not only a symbol of national traditional art, but also an example of intercultural ties and influences.
Retrospective exhibition of Valery Yurlov "FORM FORMS"
09.07.2015 On July 10, at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art, a retrospective exhibition of Valery Yurlov “Pairs of Forms” will open.
City public art object "MUSIC OF MUSIC"
08.07.2015 Gallery-workshop “Varshavka” of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow”, the Fume Museum (Nazzano, Italy), the Association of Cultural Figures “Fabula” (Italy) in partnership with the New Byzantium Studio, with the support of the Ismail Akhmetov Foundation present a city public art object MUSIC MUSIC
The first courtyard festival "City Flowers"
08.07.2015 July 19 at 12.00 in the Izmailovo Gallery of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association (Izmailovsky proezd, 4) the first yard festival, City Flowers, will be held - a summer holiday that will unite residents of the Izmailovo district and neighboring regions for one day.
08.07.2015 On July 10, in London, SECRET ART POP-UP GALLERY together with THE ART PARTNERS will spend a fascinating journey into the world of contemporary art at the closed library Private Members Club, which is located in the heart of London in the historic Coven Garden district.
Exhibition "The Image of the East in Russian Art of the First Half of the 20th Century"
05.07.2015 From June 25 to October 1 in the Bashkir State Art Museum. M.V. Nesterova will host the exhibition “The Image of the East in Russian Art of the First Half of the 20th Century”.
04.07.2015 July 14, 2015 at 19.00 in the galleries of the GRUND “Sandy” and “Khodynka” of the Association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” open the exhibition and symposium “BLACK IN SQUARE: MALEVICH & ARTSCIENCE” - unique events dedicated to the centennial of the cult painting “Black Suprematist Square by Kazimir Malevich” " .
Free concert of artists of the Bolshoi Theater and the Philharmonic Orchestra
03.07.2015 ACADEM QUARTET String Quartet and EXPOSED Art Center present MUSIC AND PAINTING EVENING and invite you to July 9 at 20:00 for a free concert by artists of the Bolshoi Theater and the Philharmonic Orchestra in support of the exhibition “AQUAMENTALITY” watercolor painter Ivan Porkhachev.
Exhibition of Larisa Naumova. Painting. Graphic arts.
03.07.2015 In the halls of the MVK RAX Gallery of Arts Zurab Tsereteli at the address: st. Prechistenka, 19th anniversary exhibition of the works of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts Larisa Naumova.
Exhibition "Nikolya Chocolate Museum"
01.07.2015 The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts implements a variety of exhibition projects, where the exhibits are painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art.
Exhibition "Nicholas Roerich"
01.07.2015 The Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will host the opening of the exhibition “Nicholas Roerich” from the collection of the State Russian Museum.
Exhibition of Art Photography by Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya
01.07.2015 In the exhibition hall of the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts will be held "New personal exhibition of Catherine Rozhdestvenskaya." The exposition space housed more than fifty works.
The Internet has selected the best artists in sports
30.06.2015 The results of the online voting in the contest of artists "World of Sports" were summed up: in the galleries "Picture" and "Sculpture", a public campaign continued for more than a month to select the best works of students of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Anniversary exhibition of Levasheva Irina Anatolyevna
29.06.2015 The anniversary exhibition dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Irina Anatolyevna Levasheva, is dedicated to traveling across Japan along the Base roads.