Art news 03.12.2013 20.11.2013
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The exhibition "In the family circle" from the collection of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin at the Belgorod Museum
03.12.2013 BELGOROD. On December 3, the exhibition "With the family" opens in the exhibition hall of the BHC.
Illustrations to the works of A. S. Pushkin at the Pushkin Museum in Prechistenka
02.12.2013 MOSCOW. On November 30, an exhibition began to work at the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka, which displays drawings by Leningrad artists created from 1930 to 1990.
The third part of the project "Orthodox Churches" opened at the Winter Theater
02.12.2013 SOCHI. In the evening of November 29, the Winter Theater of the World Exhibition opened at the Winter Theater.
The exhibition of paintings that opened in Orel is part of a unique project
30.11.2013 EAGLE. An exhibition of contemporary art of painting “Such a different 20th century” has opened in the Kurnakov Gallery.
In the hall of the Academy of watercolors presented the work of Victor Korsakov
27.11.2013 MOSCOW. The exhibition hall of the Academy of Watercolors presents the exhibition "Father’s House", where art connoisseurs will be able to see about a hundred paintings by Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Viktor Korsakov.
Retrospective of the works of Yuri Albert at the Museum of Modern Art
26.11.2013 MOSCOW. An unusual exhibition has opened in the metropolitan museum of modern art, which became the first full retrospective of the works of Yuri Albert, one of the most famous Russian conceptual artists.
Exhibition of Tomsk artist Rafael Aslanyan in the art museum
25.11.2013 TOMSK. The Regional Art Museum invites art lovers to visit the solo exhibition of the artist Rafael Aslanyan, which opened on November 21.
"ORNAMENTALISM. Terra Incognita" in the State Concert Hall "On Kashirka"
23.11.2013 In December, at the State Exhibition Hall "On Kashirka" an interesting exhibition "ORNAMENTALISM. Terra Incognita ”, uniting creative searches of about forty artists belonging to this direction.
East European Antique House presents the exhibition "Pictures of Old Masters from the Collection of Vasily Goryaschenko"
23.11.2013 For the first time in a hundred years, a unique collection of paintings by old masters of Western European painting will be exhibited in Russia.
The unique art of the Armenian artist A. Avetyan at an exhibition in Rostov
23.11.2013 ROSTOV-ON-DON. Only until November 28th, the inhabitants of Rostov-on-Don received a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the work of Anatoly Avetyan - the only master in the world working in unusual, previously unknown equipment.
Exhibition of artists of the Soviet era from the collection of Alexander Gremitsky
22.11.2013 VLADIMIR. In the hall of the exhibition center located on Bolshaya Moskovskaya, on November 20, the grand opening of the exhibition of paintings by Soviet artists took place.
The history of avant-garde art at the exhibition "Decoration of the Beautiful"
21.11.2013 ROSTOV-ON-DON. In the “16thLINE” Gallery, which represents contemporary art, on November 14, the presentation of the “Decoration of the Beautiful” exhibition was organized by the Department of the Newest Trends of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Spanish painting at an exhibition in the Museum-Reserve of Veliky Novgorod
21.11.2013 VELIKIY NOVGOROD. On November 12, an exhibition of Spanish art delivered from the Hermitage inaugurated in the exhibition halls of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve.
Opened a new exhibition of paintings in the Pushkin Museum - "The Magic of Dutch Realism"
20.11.2013 MOSCOW. In the Pushkin Museum to them. On November 12, Pushkin began the exhibition “The Magic of Dutch Realism”.
"Art of Animalistics" - from the gallery of Krasnoarmeysk to the Academy of Watercolor
20.11.2013 MOSCOW. On the 8th of November, in the exhibition hall of the Academy of Arts, the exhibition "The Art of Animalistics" was opened. The exposition of the exhibition consists of works located in the collection of the Art Gallery of the city of Krasnoarmeysk (Moscow Region).