Art news 06.06.2013 22.05.2013
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The past and present of Russian estates at the exhibition in the museum of estate culture
06.06.2013 MOSCOW. The Museum dedicated to the anniversary of the Romanov dynasty begins on June 6 at the Museum of Russian Manor Culture, located in the "Estate of the Golitsyn Princes" complex. The estate is located in the metro station Kuzminki.
Personal exhibition of Yuri Samsonov - an artist painting with mood
06.06.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. In the hall “trapezoid” of the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, on June 3, the personal exhibition of Yuri Samsonov began.
An exhibition of Eduard Manukyan opens in the Gallery of the Partnership of Artists
04.06.2013 MOSCOW. The Gallery of the Association of Artists invites you to visit the solo exhibition of Eduard Manukyan, a young painter who lives and works in Moscow, which opened on June 3.
Exhibition of the Dutch artist-traveler in the Museum of the East
04.06.2013 MOSCOW. The State Museum of the East, located on Nikitsky Boulevard, invites lovers and connoisseurs of pictorial art to get acquainted with the work of a major Dutch artist Marius Bauer.
Mountain landscapes painted from nature in the paintings of the artist Sergey Dudko
02.06.2013 KRASNODAR. Art Museum. Kovalenko invites residents and guests of the Krasnodar Territory to visit the personal exhibition of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Sergey Dudko.
"Tretyakov Gallery" will show an exhibition of new graphics in the museum fund
01.06.2013 MOSCOW. Tretyakov Gallery invites art lovers to get acquainted with the exhibition, which will present new arrivals to the funds of the museum of graphic works.
The wonderful world of the Bulgarian artist Chudomir at an exhibition in the Museum of Tolyatti
01.06.2013 TOLYATTI. Timed to the day of the city, an exhibition of the talented artist from Bulgaria Dimitar Chorbadzhiysky opens on May 31 at the city art museum.
Exhibition of Egyptian artists "Capsule of Time" in the State Concert Hall "On Kashirka"
31.05.2013 Egyptian art is represented by more than 20 artists belonging to different schools and generations.
Amazing images seen by Mikhail Shemyakin - "Sidewalks of Paris"
30.05.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. Today, on May 29, an exhibition of our compatriot, the most famous artist and sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin opens in the Marble Palace of the Russian Museum.
After success abroad, the works of young artists can be seen in Tyumen
30.05.2013 TYUMEN. With the assistance of the Sodruzhestvo Foundation, which is engaged in assistance in the development of science, sports and culture, an exhibition of art and decorative works by children engaged in the Art Center Art Nouveau is open in the exhibition hall on Sovetskaya Street until June 15th.
Works of German artists of the 20th century from the collection of D. Economa in the Hermitage
27.05.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. In the exhibition halls located on the third floor of the Courtyard gallery, related to the General Staff building, State Hermitage Museum May 25th presented to visitors one of the main exhibitions of this year.
Exhibition of artists, opened in Kaliningrad, introduces the history of the region
25.05.2013 KALININGRAD. Until June 23, the exhibition "Three Artists - Three Views...", which opened in the reception hall of the Russian representative office of the Foreign Ministry, will work.
The work of the artist Rene Galan presents the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg
24.05.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. In the exhibition hall of Ioannovsky ravelin, which is the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, an exhibition was opened, representing the work of the French avant-garde artist Rene Galan.
In the gallery "Our Artists" a large-scale exhibition of works by Alexandre Benois
24.05.2013 MOSCOW. The gallery “Our Artists”, which recently changed its location, having moved from the village of Borki, located on the Rublevo-Uspensky highway, to the central part of the capital, opens on May 23 the exhibition “100 works of Alexandre Benois”.
The first solo exhibition of the painter SURO in the hall of the Ministry of Agriculture
22.05.2013 MOSCOW. On May 20, a personal exhibition of paintings by Suren Mkrtchan, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, opened in the Exhibition Hall of the Ministry of Agriculture.