Press-releases 03.03.2017 28.02.2017
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Exhibition of the creative group "12". "Sides of color"
03.03.2017 From March 8 to April 9, 2017 in the Irkutsk "Gallery of V. Bronstein" will be an exhibition of the creative group "12". As part of the exposition, “The Parties of Color”, works will be presented in the techniques of pictorial hot enamel and glass sintering (fusing).
Photo exhibition "Home from heaven"
03.03.2017 Photo exhibition “Home from heaven” opens in Saratov Regional Duma following the expedition of Saratov artists to Lake Elton At the invitation of the Saratov Regional Duma, the Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Arts and the TSH of the Saratov Region present the exhibition project “Home from Heaven”The exhibition is dedicated to the opening of the Year of Ecology in Russia.
Exhibition of paintings by Vitaly Kopachev "Ripple"
03.03.2017 Setting a peculiar impulse of creation in the picture, filling it with its original meaning, Vitaly Kopachev is trying to express the forms of laws hidden in plasticIn his abstract paintings, similar to living organisms, he seeks to reveal to the viewer the materiality of emotions and the physical tangibility of sensuality.
The cycle of concerts My XX century. Unknown masterpieces. Concert 1
03.03.2017 March 16, 7 p.m., Thursday Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val Ticket admission
Impressionism in music
03.03.2017 March 9, 19.30, Thursday Center for the ArtsMoscow (Volkhonka, 15) Ticket admission Impressionism is a trend in art no less analytical in spirit than cubism or abstractionism. Actually, modern art began with a distinction between the internal and external forms of the image.
Caprichos Goya Dali. Exhibition finish
03.03.2017 March 12 at 19.00 The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts Pushkin Main building (Italian courtyard) Ticket admission
Beauty canons of Giovanni Gastela
03.03.2017 “What captivates me in photography is that it has nothing to do with reality; it is the suspension of a constant flow of time. From endless movement, life, to eternal stillness; it refers to reality in order to create a parallel. "
Exhibition "Theater in the lead role"
28.02.2017 The All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art and the “ART PROJECT TOGETHER” present the exhibition “The Theater in the Leading Role”.
Concert "English Renaissance"
28.02.2017 We invite you on March 5 (Sun) at 16:00 to a concert of chamber viola music of the XVI-XVII centuries performed by the ensemble BAROCCO A LA PRIMA.
The action "Two in one museum" starts in the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts
28.02.2017 Dear men! On the eve of the holiday, March 4 and 5, as well as on International Women’s Day - March 8, a visit to the museum will be a gift to your beloved women!
Hollywood stars will come to Moscow to the film festival "Drop"
28.02.2017 Moscow will host the “most terrible film festival” of the year Hollywood stars will come to Moscow to the film festival "Drop" The organizers of the VII Russian International Film Festival of action-packed films and horror films "DROPS" announced the names of the stars participating in the award ceremony and master classesThis year, the stellar cast of the “worst film festival” is no less impressive than last year.
The action "Star Hour" with the participation of Nadezhda Babkina
28.02.2017 For its favorite viewers, the Russian Song Theater has prepared a pleasant surprise! Since the beginning of spring, an unprecedented Starry Hour action has been launched in the theater, thanks to which anyone can buy a ticket for a theatrical performance personally from the hands of their favorite artist, and even with his autographFor one hour, the audience’s favorites will turn into cashiers selling tickets for productions of the Russian Song theater.
The first international festival of baby performances "Kukusya"
28.02.2017 MOSCOW April 1-2, 2017 On April 1, the first international festival of baby performances "Kukusya" will open in Moscow. Within two days, performances for spectators from six months will be shown at the Philharmonic 2.
Igor Snegur "Endless Journey"
28.02.2017 In the halls of the MVK RAX Gallery of Art of Zurab Tsereteli (Prechistenka, 19), an exhibition of the works of one of the contemporary masters of the Russian avant-garde Igor Snegur "Endless Journey" will be held.
"Cinema and contemporary art / photography art: fields of mutual attraction." Creative meeting with Tatyana Danilyants
28.02.2017 Next Friday, March 3 at 19.00 in the Gallery of Classical Photography there will be a creative meeting with Tatyana Danilyants - film director, photo artist, curator of exhibition projects and film programs.