Art news 22.05.2013 02.05.2013
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An exhibition of unique 14th-century Italian icons opened in the Hermitage
22.05.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. On May 18, an exhibition opened in the Apollon Hall of the Winter Palace, dedicated to the end of twenty years of work on the restoration of a unique XIV century icon, made by craftsmen from Italy.
Landscapes of Baikal and St. Petersburg at the exhibition of Nikolai Zhitkov in Irkutsk
19.05.2013 IRKUTSK. An exhibition of his works was opened in the halls of the Diaz art gallery in the evening of May 17, timed to coincide with the Day of Remembrance of the Irkutsk painter Nikolai Zhitkov.
Fantastic world of Larisa Kadochnikova
18.05.2013 MOSCOWTheater Museum A.A. Bakhrushina presents an exhibition of paintings and drawings by the People’s Artist of Ukraine and People’s Artist of Russia Larisa Kadochnikova. The vernissage of the exhibition will be held on May 19, 2013, on Sunday, at 18.00, in the Museum House of M.S.
Exhibition of German artists from Vorpswede in the art gallery of Chelyabinsk
17.05.2013 CHELYABINSK. A new exhibition, organized in conjunction with the German cultural center. Goethe opened in the city art gallery.
A joint birthday was celebrated by the Moscow metro and the Ryazan Museum
16.05.2013 MOSCOW. In honor of the next birthday of the Moscow Metro on May 14, the exposition of the Watercolor train was updated.
Exhibition of paintings and sculptures dedicated to sports opened in Kazan
14.05.2013 KAZAN. In honor of the upcoming Universiade 2013, in the Hazine Gallery located in the Kazan Kremlin, on May 13, the grand opening of the exhibition took place, the exposition of which was composed of works of art dedicated to sports.
The exhibition "My Quiet Homeland ..." is dedicated to the anniversary of Dmitry Belyukin
12.05.2013 ST. PETERSBURG. In the exhibition hall "Manege" located on St. Isaac’s Square, a personal exhibition of the youngest academician, people’s artist Dmitry Belyukin, prepared for the fiftieth anniversary of the master of painting, began work.
Centenary of Saratov artist Boris Bobrov celebrated with an exhibition in the museum
10.05.2013 SARATOV. The Regional Museum of Local Lore invites you to visit the exhibition opened on the eve of Victory Day, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the centenary of the famous artist Boris Bobrov.
Graphics by artist Viktor Semykin at the Palette of Life exhibition in Elabuga
10.05.2013 ELABUGA. On May 8, the exhibition "Palette of Life" opened in the exhibition hall of the Yelabuga Museum-Reserve.
Gallery "Peresvetov Lane" presents the artist Igor Shushpanov
10.05.2013 MOSCOW. In the exhibition hall of the gallery "Peresvetov Lane" opens an exhibition with an eye-catching title - "Made on the knee."
The work of VGIK professor Alexander Dudin at the anniversary exhibition at the Ministry of Agriculture
07.05.2013 MOSCOW. In the exhibition hall of the Ministry of Agriculture, an anniversary exhibition of the honored artist Alexander Dudin opens.
The nature of the Kola Peninsula in the graphic artist Irina Sitdikova
05.05.2013 MURMANSK. On April 3, the Regional Art Museum in the small hall presented a solo exhibition by the artist from the city of Apatity, Irina Sitdikova, “Land of Tre”.
Painting and graphics by Pavel Popov at an exhibition in the complex of the School of watercolor
05.05.2013 MOSCOW. A personal exhibition of paintings by Pavel Popov, a bright and talented contemporary artist, invites art lovers to get acquainted with his works.
Merchant portraits in the exposition of the new exhibition of the Tropinin Museum
02.05.2013 MOSCOW. The Tropinin Museum, in addition to the already working exhibition of family portraits by artists of the 18-19th centuries, provided an opportunity for art lovers to get acquainted with another exhibition.
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts presented visitors with a detective story
02.05.2013 MOSCOW. Visitors to the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin got a unique opportunity to see the painting "Evangelist Mark" painted by the Dutch master of painting Frank Hals Elder.