Theater and Cinema 27.06.2014 03.06.2014
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Irkutsk Youth Theater closed the season with a performance staged by an Italian director
27.06.2014 IRKUTSK. In the Youth Theater. Vampilova premiere of the play "King Deer", a fairy tale written by the Italian playwright Carlo Gozzi, the theater season has closed.
The Sochi Winter Theater opened the Golden Olympus Theater Festival
26.06.2014 SOCHI. On the 23rd of June, the Theater Olympus festival opened at the Sochi’s most famous stage venue, in the Winter Theater, the main event of this theater summer in the resort city.
Anniversary of Voronezh Chamber Theater repeated
23.06.2014 VORONEZH. The Voronezh Chamber Theater celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 21. Since the hall, which now houses the theater, seats only 100 spectators, and the team has several fans more, the festive evening took place twice.
Theater festival "Kolyada-Plays" opened in Yekaterinburg for the eighth time
22.06.2014 YEKATERINBURG. On June 20th, the Kolyada-Plays, the theater festival of contemporary drama, opened for the eighth time. Within ten days, thirty theater groups representing different parts of the world will show their work.
Romeo and Juliet from military Prague on the stage of the Omsk Musical Theater
21.06.2014 OMSK. The last rehearsals of the first major directorial work of the leading actress of the troupe Tatyana Bobrova took place at the Omsk Musical Theater.
Vilnius Maly Theater opened the Academy festival in Omsk
20.06.2014 OMSK. For the fourth time, theatergoers of Omsk celebrate the Academy festival. This year, famous theater groups from Russia, Israel, Romania and Lithuania will show 14 performances.
In Yekaterinburg, the premiere of a performance dedicated to A. Bashlachev
16.06.2014 YEKATERINBURG. The Center for Contemporary Dramaturgy hosts the final rehearsals of the play, the premieres of which are eagerly awaited by the audience.
In the hall of the new stage of the Puppet Theater. Obraztsova received the first viewers
16.06.2014 MOSCOW. In the most famous of the country’s puppet theaters, the metropolitan theater. Obraztsova, on June 10, the long-awaited event took place - the opening of a new scene.
The 160th season of the drama theater in Veliky Novgorod ended with "Scarlet Sails"
14.06.2014 VELIKIY NOVGOROD. On Sunday, June 8th, the Drama Theater. Dostoevsky completed the 160th theatrical season by showing the last premiere performance before the summer holidays.
In Vladimir, the theater season closed with the premiere of the performance "Thomas"
10.06.2014 VLADIMIR. At the end of the 165th theatrical season in the Vladimir Drama Theater, the audience was presented the premiere performance of Thomas.
Graduates of the school of Oleg Tabakov brought a diploma performance to Saratov
07.06.2014 SARATOV. For the first time, Saratov theater-goers were given the opportunity to see a performance performed by a student group in their city.
The tour of the theater. Volkova in Kazan launched the project "Theater Summer"
06.06.2014 KAZAN. In the theater to them. Kachalov artists of the Yaroslavl drama. On June 2, Volkova showed the performance "The House of Bernard Alba." The performance of the oldest theater in Russia was nominated for the Golden Mask Award this year.
The winner of the festival in Kolomna will show his work at the Theater of Nations
04.06.2014 Kolomna. Participants in the theater festival, which brought together the artists of small cities of Russia for the 12th time, met in Kolomna, Moscow Region.
A theater school organized by the STD of the Russian Federation begins to work in the Moscow Region
04.06.2014 Zvenigorod. For the eighth time in the city of Zvenigorod near Moscow, a summer theater school organized by the STD begins work. The opening will take place on June 2nd.
Macbeth Premiere at The Baltic House - Luke Perceval’s debut in Russia
03.06.2014 ST. PETERSBURG. The Baltic House Theater on May 30 presented the premiere of the play Macbeth, the first production of the famous European stage director Luc Perceval on the Russian stage.