Theater and Cinema 22.06.2013 02.06.2013
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Spectators of Yaroslavl will see the most popular performances of the Irkutsk Museum
22.06.2013 YAROSLAVL. The Irkutsk Musical Theater was given the property of the oldest stage in the city - the Drama Theater named after Fedor Volkov.
At the theater "School of Dramatic Art" premiere of the play about the war
21.06.2013 MOSCOW. The premiere of his new work - the play “Song of the Swans”, by the theater school “School of Dramatic Art” timed to coincide with the anniversary of the event, which became a tragedy for all the peoples of our country - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.
New work by G. Galavinskaya - premiere of the play "Gedda Gabler" on the stage of Taganka
17.06.2013 MOSCOW. The Taganka Theater on June 15 presented the audience the long-awaited premiere performance “Gedda Gabler”, staged by Roman Viktyuk’s student, directed by Gulnara Galavinskaya.
A new incarnation of the famous "Salome" was seen in Nizhny Novgorod
15.06.2013 NIZHNY NOVGOROD. For two nights in a row, on June 13 and 14, on the stage of the Academic Drama Theater, a story was unfolded in front of the Nizhny Novgorod theater-goers described in one of the most controversial plays included in the world theater repertoire.
Globus Theater marks the closing of the season with a parade of premiere performances
14.06.2013 NOVOSIBIRSK. At the end of the theatrical season, fans of the Globus Youth Theater got the opportunity to see 8 premiere performances during the week. The parade of theatrical premieres with a performance for children begins.
Shakespeare’s twelfth night comedy at the Snuffbox Premiere
13.06.2013 MOSCOW. On the stage of the theater of Oleg Tabakov - the famous "Snuffbox", at the end of the theater season they showed the audience their new work.
The end of the theater season in Novokuznetsk - tours and new plans
12.06.2013 NOVOKUZNETSK. Applause from the audience after the last performance of “The Servant of Two Masters” in this theatrical season, the actors of the Novokuznetsk Drama Theater marked the beginning of the summer tour.
Vologda theater-goers will be able to get acquainted with "Marriage" from Valery Fokin
11.06.2013 VOGDA. For two days, on June 10 and 11, actors from St. Petersburg will play on the stage of the Vologda Drama Theater. The team of the Alexandrinsky Theater is not necessary.
Pyatigorsk became the capital of theater festivals, accepting two projects at once
10.06.2013 Pyatigorsk. At the same time, two festival projects started on June 7 in the city, which is the capital of the North Caucasus District - Pyatigorsk.
Angels and people on the new stage of the Altai Drama Theater named after Shukshina
08.06.2013 BARNAUL. Thanks to the opening of the drama named after Shukshin new experimental scene, starting on June 5, the theater team received at its disposal three scenic venues.
Three international theater festivals summed up in Omsk
06.06.2013 OMSK. More than ten thousand spectators of Omsk in a very short time were able to get acquainted with a solid number of theatrical performances shown on the scenic venues of the city.
For the first time Bryansk Theater. Tolstoy came on tour in Irkutsk
06.06.2013 IRKUTSK. With the onset of the holidays, the stage of the Irkutsk Musical Theater will not be empty. Starting on June 5th, the stage space will be occupied by guests who come from Bryansk.
The team of the Voronezh drama theater arrived in Tambov with return tours
04.06.2013 TAMBOV. In response to the visit of the Tambov Theater to Voronezh, the tour of artists from the Voronezh Drama Theater named after Koltsova.
The first festival of "small form performances" opened on June 2 in Vologda
04.06.2013 VOGDA. Vologda theatergoers have already become accustomed to receive guests and participants of theater forums at various levels in their city.
In Vologda, the performance "Tom Sawyer" started the festival "Summer in the Kremlin"
02.06.2013 VOGDA. The musical and theatrical project “Summer in the Kremlin” opened on June 1 with a performance by the Children’s Musical Theater. On the day of the holiday dedicated to children, young viewers saw a musical based on the famous and beloved work of Mark Twain “Tom Sawyer”.