Theater and Cinema 05.12.2012 10.11.2012
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The premiere of the performance "White Guard" in the musical theater of Yekaterinburg
05.12.2012 The Yekaterinburg Musical Theater presented its new work to the audience - on the stage of the theater, the premiere of the musical drama "The White Guard", created based on Bulgakov’s novel, took place.
Tver and St. Petersburg theaters changed scenes for three days
04.12.2012 One of the oldest Russian theaters, the Academic Drama Theater of the city of Tver, came to St. Petersburg for only three days with tours.
The audience after watching the performance of the Ryazan Puppet Theater was delighted
03.12.2012 In the Puppet Theater of the city of Ryazan, a general run of the new performance “Demon” took place with a show to the public. The literary basis for the unusual performance was the famous poem by Mikhail Lermontov.
Yermolova Theater opens the new season with a new repertoire
01.12.2012 Today, on December 1, the Yermolova Theater in Moscow, in its renovated building, is waiting for spectators for the premiere performance.
The play "Kalmania" in honor of the anniversary of Imre Kalman
01.12.2012 At the Moscow Helikon-Opera Theater, viewers saw the premiere of a new production of Kalmania, dedicated to the anniversary of the operetta genius, by the Hungarian composer Imre Kalman.
In the Maly Theater, the performance "Imaginary Sick" celebrate the anniversary of V. Bochkarev
27.11.2012 On the stage of the Maly Theater in Moscow tonight, on November 27th, Moliere’s comedy “Imaginary Sick”, popular among viewers, will be shown.
The Queen of Spades at the Liteiny Theater
27.11.2012 For two days off, on the 24th and 25th of November, in the evenings, they played cards in the St. Petersburg Theater on Liteiny.
Modern reading of Turgenev’s play in the Nizhny Novgorod theater
20.11.2012 Today, on November 20th, in Nizhny Novgorod, on the stage of the Drama Theater, the premiere performance by Turgenev’s play “The Freeloaders” will take place.
García Márquez’s short stories staged in a theater where dolls look so much like people
19.11.2012 In Moscow, the premiere of a production based on short stories by the author of the famous novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, a writer from Colombia, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, took place.
"Polar Star" illuminated the stage in the city of Murmansk
17.11.2012 Murmansk for the sixth time accepts participants of the Polar Star international theater festival, organized with the support of the government of the Murmansk region.
In St. Petersburg launched the "Second such festival"
15.11.2012 In St. Petersburg yesterday, on November 14, a large-scale action started - the theater marathon "The Second Such Festival". The project was created by the theater team "Such a Theater" and its leader Alexander Bargman.
The program of the festival "NET" opens on the stage of the Mossovet Theater
14.11.2012 In Moscow, the project "Octopus" staged by the famous choreographer from France Philippe Decoufle, in the theater. The Moscow Council opens a screening of the program of the festival "NET", the new European theater.
"Julius Caesar" from the actors of the Shakespeare Theater on the stage of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater
13.11.2012 After a long break, the Russian audience will have an unforgettable meeting with the staff of the most famous theater in Europe - in Moscow from November 14 to 17 the Royal Shakespeare Theater will show its theater skills in the new performance “Julius Caesar”.
Festival "ArtOkraina" - performances, an exhibition and communication with colleagues on the stage
12.11.2012 The performance “The Science of Love”, staged by Ivan Stavissky, opened on November 10 in St. Petersburg the third international festival “ArtOkraina”, in which chamber theaters will show their work.
Tricks of the resourceful inheritance hunter on the stage of the Theater of Satire
10.11.2012 In Moscow, on the main stage of the Satire Theater, on November 8, the premiere of the play “Proceeds from Inheritance” took place, based on the comedy of Jean Reniard “The Only Heir”.