Art news 05.02.2020 04.09.2018
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The cultural layer of the "secrets" of the Soviet underground
05.02.2020 The exhibition "Secrets: digging in the Soviet underground1966-1985 ”opened at the Garage Museum of Modern Art. Unusual and bold, since daring in nature - not every curator will dare to show the general public the narrow direction of a movement, especially since the exhibits are not for the most part traditional art objects.
SIBUR invites you to the 5th Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art
12.09.2019 YEKATERINBURGWith the support of SIBUR, from September 12 to December 1, the 5th Ural Industrial Biennale will be held in the cities of the Urals region, including Tyumen, Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg. This year, the Biennale team, discussing the results of production and art processes, chose the theme "Immortality".
Jewelry Salon 2019, Alexandra Chudakova Jewelry Salon, Alexandra Chudakova Saggega at Saggega
13.08.2019 Every year Odessa becomes the center of jewelry art when the city hosts the “Jewelry Salon” exhibition – one of the largest and most grandiose international events in the jewelry industry.
The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin is preparing for the opening of two major exhibitions of the summer season
07.05.2019 The Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin is preparing for the opening of two major exhibitions of the summer season - “Schukin. Collection Biography ”and“ Fondation Louis Vuitton Collection. Favorites. "
The Fifth Interregional Academic Exhibition "Red Gate / Against the Current" is exhibited at the Tsereteli Art Gallery of the Russian Academy of Arts
21.12.2018 Currently in Moscow in the Gallery of Art Z.K. Tsereteli of the Russian Academy of Arts (Prechistenka, 19) Exhibited Fifth Interregional Academic exhibition "Red Gate / Against the Current" .
Voice assistant "Alice" became a guide to the collection of impressionists
21.12.2018 Voice assistant "Alice" became a guide to the collection of impressionists, which is stored in the Pushkin MuseumA.S. Pushkin. It is enough to photograph a picture from the exposition on a smartphone, and Alice will tell you what the work is called and who the author is, and then turn on an audio recording with a story about it.
Spitak. Five minutes of silence
18.12.2018 December 10, 2018 In the Cultural Center under the Embassy of Armenia, with the support of the Moscow Encyclopedias Foundation, a personal exhibition was launched of a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia (Tetra-Art section), co-founder of the # REVER project, Evgeny Zhilyaev “SpitakFive minutes of silence.
Opening of a virtual tour of the public Museum named after N.K. Roerich
14.12.2018 On the Day of Remembrance of Nikolai Konstantinovich, International Center-Museum named after N.KRoerich presented to the attention of admirers of the Roerichs creativity the first stage of the Virtual Museum: a virtual tour of the museum exposition that existed before the International Center of the Roerichs was evicted from the Lopukhins estate and the paintings were seized in 2017.
Actors of the Maly Theater read Pushkin at an exhibition in Sheremetyevo
13.12.2018 The exhibition "Maly Theater on Tour", dedicated to the touring activities of the State Academic Maly Theater, began work at the Sheremetyevo International Airport. At 48 stands in terminals D and E there were photographs of fragments of performances that actors played in different cities of Russia and abroad.
Imagining a woman. Exhibition of Alexey Chaykasov
05.12.2018 Is it possible to imagine the unimaginable? Impossible, illusory, incomprehensible, changeable, rebellious, fantastic, inspiring, dazzling? If it works out, it will turn out to be a woman...
05.12.2018 December 9 at the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Moscow Region “New Jerusalem” the exhibition “Robert Falk.
Svetlana Malakhova: exhibition of paintings "My Solo" at the factory "
03.10.2018 Talented Russian artist Svetlana Malakhova presented her new works to the capital public as part of the author’s project “My Solo” at the factory. ” For the exhibition, the NAZAVOD Gallery was selected. You can see and evaluate the artist’s work from September 21 to October 19.
Exhibitions of Timur Novikov and Andrei Kirsanov opened in the Russian Museum
28.09.2018 STPETERSBURG. The exhibition in the Russian Museum commemorated Timur Novikov, the founder of the painting, called "neoclassicism", with the opening of an exhibition of his works. The exposition, which opened in the hall of the Marble Palace on September 24, is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founder of the New Academy, who left us too early.
Visitors in a kimono can get to the museum without waiting in line
27.09.2018 Those wishing to visit the exhibition "Masterpieces of painting and engraving of the Edo era" can get to Pushkinsky without waiting in line: for this you need to come to the museum in a kimonoVisitors in traditional Japanese clothing will be allowed through the front door.
An exhibition "Masterpieces of painting and engraving of the Edo era" opened at the Pushkin Museum
04.09.2018 In Moscow, the Pushkin MuseumA.S. Pushkin with the support of Rosneft "Masterpieces of painting and engraving of the Edo era" , which became the main event of the cross year of Russia and Japan. The exhibition shows the diversity of artistic movements of one of the most interesting periods in the history of Japanese art.