Theater and Cinema 31.07.2014 28.06.2014
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"Queen of Spades" closed the festival "Opera - Everyone" in St. Petersburg
31.07.2014 ST. PETERSBURG. The performance of the famous opera The Queen of Spades, written by P. I. Tchaikovsky, closed in St. Petersburg with the festival Opera for All, which is being held for the third time this year.
Artists from Vladimir show historical drama in Baltic House
31.07.2014 ST. PETERSBURG. Two days, July 18-19, the days of Vladimir Region passed in St. Petersburg. The exchange of business contacts worked, exhibitions were held.
At the Yermolova Theater, the season was finished with the Andrey Lobanov Prize
30.07.2014 MOSCOW. Today, July 18, in the Yermolova Theater, the ceremony of completing the 2013/2014 season was held.
Artists of "Sovremennik" showed the play "Five Evenings" in Novotroitsk
30.07.2014 NOVOTROITSK. Even in the smallest city in the country, the famous Sovremennik has no shortage of fans. Therefore, the arrival of the team of actors in Novotroitsk was the most remarkable for the residents of the city for their professional holiday - Metallurgist Day.
Theater "At the Bridge" opens a new season before leaving for a tour
23.07.2014 PERMIAN. Traditionally, most theater groups invite spectators to the opening of the season no earlier than September.
Festival "Open Streets" gathered spectators in Stoleshnikov Lane
23.07.2014 MOSCOW. On Saturday, July 12, the number of residents of the capital who visited Stoleshnikov Lane turned out to be significantly larger than usual. The old Moscow street hosted the Open Streets festival.
On the closing day of the season, the Kostroma Puppet Theater was awarded the regional prize
23.07.2014 KOSTROMA. Last Saturday, the City Puppet Theater showed young spectators the last performance of the theater season that ended.
Short Film Club in Star
21.07.2014 At the Zvezda movie theater on July 4, the regular meeting of the short film club was held.
On the holiday of closing the season at the Vakhtangov Theater, everyone came
10.07.2014 MOSCOWTheater named after Vakhtangov ended the theater season with a street festival, a huge number of spectators gathered there. For many of them, such a meeting with their favorite artists has already become a tradition - the Vakhtangans celebrate the end of the season at the entrance to their theater is not the first time.
Yaroslavl Youth Theater named after Victor Rozov in honor of his thirtieth birthday
09.07.2014 YAROSLAVL. In honor of the anniversary in the Yaroslavl Youth Theater on July 3, a gala evening was held, which brought together long-term fans of the theater.
Petersburg Theater "Mansion" celebrated the anniversary of the non-stop festival
07.07.2014 ST. PETERSBURG. The Mansion Theater celebrated its 25th anniversary with a unique non-stop festival with a telling name - “A quarter of a century MANSION”. The festival poster contained a rich program of the holiday, which began at 13:00 on July 1.
Maly Theater leaders talked about plans for next season
05.07.2014 MOSCOW. The staff of the Maly Theater finished the theater season with the premiere of the Masquerade performance on June 29th. The next day, June 30, was the first day for the theater staff.
In Vologda continues the theater festival "Voices of History"
02.07.2014 VOGDA. The theater festival “Voices of History”, which takes place in three cities of the Vologda Oblast - Vologda, Kirillov and Cherepovets, can rightfully be considered the main event of the cultural summer in the region.
In St. Petersburg, the first performance of the tour of the Sverdlovsk drama
01.07.2014 ST. PETERSBURG. With a big tour came to St. Petersburg Sverdlovsk Drama Theater. For the famous Ural collective, two theaters provided their scenes at once - some of the performances will be shown in the comedy theater named after Akimova, for the rest the stage will be the theater "Through the Looking Glass".
Pilgrim Theater premiered the popular play Natasha’s Dream
28.06.2014 KOMSOMOLSK-ON-AMUR. On the stage of the Drama Theater on the 27th, viewers saw the work of the city theater studio “Pilgrim”.